

音标:[ húndùn ]   发音:
  • chaos; confusions; mess
    ◇浑沌现象 chaos phenomenon; 浑沌状态 chaotic state



  • 例句与用法
  • Abstract : in this paper , a variety of encryption methods for optical image security are comparatively studied . according to the different method , the encrypted image can be transformed into white or color noise . the encryption phase can be the random phase or the chaotic sequence as well as the calculated result by used of the phase retrieval algorithm . the image quality and the correlative recognition ability of decrypted image are affected by the different part of the decryption phase and the amount of high frequency or low frequency used in the process of decryption
  • In the introduction , we briefly introduce the history of symbolic dynamics development , the research of the symbolic dynamical system of an finite number of sym - bols , the research of the general symbolic dynamical system , the research of chaotic properties of shift and subshift of symbolic dynamical system and lists main conclusions in the paper
  • If we take the idea of unity between subject and object by way of returning to chaos put forward by zhuangzi as the major tradition , then , the minor tradition might include such devices and purposes of poetic creation and criticism as tropes and emotional expressions , which are not thoroughly the above - mentioned oneness
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 其他语种释义
  • 浑沌的法语:chaos
  • 浑沌的韩语:☞[混hùn沌]
  • 浑沌的俄语:pinyin:húndùn 1) (изначальный) хаос; хаотичный, беспорядочный; смешанный, путаный 2)* хуньдунь (мифическое животное) 3) Хуньдунь (фамилия)
  • 浑沌什么意思:  1.  古代传说中指世界开辟前元气未分、模糊一团的状态。    ▶ 汉 王充 《论衡‧谈天》: “说《易》者曰: ‘元气未分, 浑沌为一。 ’” 三国 魏 曹植 《七启》: “夫太极之初, 浑沌未分。”    ▶ 《陈书‧高祖纪上》: “自古虫言鸟迹, 浑沌洪荒, 凡或虔刘, 未此残酷。”    ▶ ...
  • 推荐英语阅读
浑沌的英文翻译,浑沌英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译浑沌,浑沌的英文意思,渾沌的英文浑沌 meaning in English渾沌的英文浑沌怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
