浏览 glance over; skim through; browse; pass one's eyes over sth.; pass over; run over; scan 浏览报纸上的大标题 take a glance at the newspaper headlines; 把稿子浏览一遍 glance over a manuscript; 读了书中几章并浏览了其余部分 read some chapters and scan the rest of the book; 在阅览室浏览图书 browse among books in the reading room
Here are my remarks , read them after i am gone for your own sake ; you will find them profitable 这里是我的诠注,在我去世后,你自己可以浏阅,从其中获得裨益。 ”
The manufacturing process of liuyang fireworks is quite complicated , with high requirement of technology 作为传统的手工业产品,浏阳花炮的生产工序复杂,技术要求很高。
Correctly guide popular beliefs , firmly safeguard social stability - survey on the popular beliefs in a village of hunan province 对湖南省浏阳市北盛镇民众民间信仰的调查与思考
An effective browser guard , which scans and removes unwanted browser extensions in addition to browser helper objects 有警器览浏的效卫,用于扫描并移除附加在浏览器的中序程助帮未知扩展组件。
An effective browser guard , which scans and removes unwanted browser extensions in addition to browser helper objects 有效的浏用,卫警器览于扫描并移除附加在浏览器帮助程扩知未的中序展组件。
Have you ever browsed the " world weather information service " wwis and " severe weather information centre " swic websites 世界天气网站正名不知道大家有没有浏过世界天气信息服务和恶劣天气信息中心网站。
To changsha airport 70km ; to xiangtan railway station 5km ; to changsha city 41km ; to zhuzhou city 190km ; to liuyang city 100km 往黄花机场70公里,往火车站5公里,往省会长沙41公里,往株州40公里,往浏阳100公里。
We are the lead manufacture and exporter of professional fireworks and consumer fireworks . the fireworks we produce are popular in the whole world 我司为浏阳大型的烟花生产出口企业.公司所生产的烟花爆竹畅销东南亚
Usb - toolbox ( 2 . 0 ) is a program with many functions . just load it on your usb - stick and have many useful tools in one program always at hand 一个包含10多个软件,可在u盘中直接运作的程式,其中有电邮,浏?器,行事历,等等
Liuyanghe liquor industry co . , ltd . is the pioneer of chinese commerce group as well as the follower of the corporate spirit of chinese commerce group 浏阳河酒业有限公司是中商集团的排头兵,是中商企业精神的践行者。