In the new century , the trend of the world economy regional grouping has been growing rapidly 新世纪,世界经济地区集团化势头有增无减。东盟是发展中国家地区经济一体化中较成功的一例。
From then on , even in world war 1 , more and more chinese students were sent to germany for learning its advanced technology 中国自1876年开始派员留学德国,第一次世界大战后人数更有增无减。
Then there ' s the war on terror , which guarantees more spending since terrorist attacks have tripled from year before levels 再来就是反恐战争,恐怖分子的攻击比以往有增无减,这就需要更多的支出。
The premier wants to take another star turn on the world stage , even ( if ) his troubles are mounting back home 即便首相在国内面临的困难与麻烦有增无减,他还是想在国际舞台上再做出一个不同凡响的举动。
This will be harder still after the ejection of todd thomson , the free - spending head of its wealth - management group 尽管财富管理部门挥霍无度的主管托德?汤姆森被驱逐出去,但是这一任务的困难程度有增无减。
Therefore , the enthusiasm for the research of motivation theory is going up , not only in the westem contries , but also in china 因此,对激励方法的研究热情,不仅在西方发达国家有增无减,在中国也日益升温。
This was the point - this was where the nerve was touched and teased - this was where the fever was sustained and fed : she could not charm him 这就是问题的症结就是触及痛处的地方就是我热情有增无减的原因:因为她不可能把他迷住。
The successful handling of all cases once again highlighted the fact that the eod bureau is regarded as one of the finest such units in the world 年内,该课在工作压力有增无减的情况下仍能应付裕如,再一次证明该课是一支出色的专业队伍。
But since such illicit steroids unquestionably hype performance and are shortcuts to muscle bulging , their use is an ever increasing factor in sports and body - building 既然违禁药物能够明显提高成绩、强壮肌肉,那么兴奋剂的使用只会有增无减。