打算 intend; plan; think; mean的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有打算的 calculated老是在打算的 calculative /a专为自己打算的 calculated /a; shrewd or cunning. esp. in a selfish way scheming不是一条我打算的路 is not a way that's meant for me不为将来打算的花钱习惯 improvident spending habits赴澳洲打算的工作/活动 intended occupation/activity in australia打算 1.(考虑) intend; plan; think; mean 不打算放弃 have no intention to give up; 作最坏的打算 be prepared for the worst; 我们正打算今年夏天去欧洲旅行。 we're planning to visit europe this summer. 你今天打算做什么? what do you intend to do today?2.(想法) consideration;calculation 另有个人打算 have an ax to grind; have a purpose of one's own; 没有个人打算 with no consideration of personal interests不打算 no intention of; refrain 1打算,意图 intend打算,着手 set out to打算,瞄准 aim verb打算;意欲 intend打算把 intend…for打算做 about to do; be to do; intend do; mean to do即将;打算 about of计划,打算 calculate v. plan or design将要, 打算 be going to将要;打算 be going to乐于,打算 be willing to谈打算 intention我打算 i'm considering想要,打算 intend
What has steyne got planned , lady steyne ? i wish i knew 斯丹恩勋爵是怎么打算的 ?斯丹恩夫人-要是我能知道就好了 Let ' s write that letter we thought of writing " one of these days " 用实际行动去实践我们曾打算的 “总有那么一天”的情景! Was that your plan 你是这么打算的 吗? What are your plans 你是怎么打算的 What ' re you gonna do 怎么打算的 ? The hours slipped by , and with them the possibility of the union he had contemplated 随着时间的消逝,他原先打算的 和嘉莉团聚的可能性也消失了。 Taking action regardless of community ' s benefit is equal suicide , and it does harm to the society 任何一种不为集体利益打算的 行为,都是自杀行为,它对社会有害。 " indeed and deed i did , auntie - i wish i may never stir if i didn t . “姨妈,我可是千真万确这么打算的 。我虽然扰了你,但我要不是这么打算的,我甘愿蹲大牢。 ” " if we got married as soon as we got to the other end of the journey it would be all right . “如果我们到达目的地以后马上结婚,那也行。 ” “我原来就是这么打算的 。 ” Interface - that s what i promised at the end of the last tip , and that was certainly my intention 接口的内容- -我在上一篇技巧文章结束时是这样承诺的,当然我也是这么打算的 。
打算的的日语 :ださんてき 0 打算 的 【形動】 患得患失(的);打小算盘;自私自利打算的とは意味 :打算的 ださんてき calculating mercenary