

  • easy life



  • 例句与用法
  • That student lodged a complaint against him with the teacher . the teacher asked him if it was done in deliberate intention or on purpose
  • I preach to you , then , my countrymen , that our country calls for the life of ease , but for the life of strenuous endeavor
  • But i have simply been used to the leisure this time , because i know that enough rest is accumulating more powerful potential for my full - time job and my part - time job
  • " most of the young people who get married soon after graduating from college are from relatively well - off families , and they long for a stable and comfortable life
    上海社会科学研究院青少年研究所的专家孙宝宏说: “大学毕业后就结婚的年轻人大多家庭条件比较好,他们渴望过稳定安逸的生活。 ”
  • Fountain square was attracted quite recreational recreation is in circumjacent dweller of the amount especially after dinner , displayed detailed and easy and comfortable life mood , reflected guiyang adequately to lie fallow model urban characteristic
  • They heard in the doorway a light , manly tread and a jingling of spurs , and the young count came in , handsome and rosy , with his darkening moustache , visibly sleeker and in better trim for his easy life in moscow
  • So if you lose your job suddenly or your boss is nasty to you , check whether lately you have grown very tired of this job , or unappreciative and wish that you had an easier life , an easier job - the boss is lousy , the job is too much , or anything like that
  • His knowledge of languages , the respect shown him by the french , the good - nature with which he gave away anything he was asked for he received the allowance of three roubles a week , given to officers among the prisoners , the strength he showed in driving nails into the wall , the gentleness of his behaviour to his companions , and his capacitywhich seemed to him mysteriousof sitting stockstill doing nothing and plunged in thought , all made him seem to the soldiers a rather mysterious creature of a higher order . the very peculiarities that in the society he had previously lived in had been a source of embarrassment , if not of annoyancehis strength , his disdain for the comforts of life , his absent - mindedness , his good - naturehere among these men gave him the prestige almost of a hero . and pierre felt that their view of him brought its duties
  • Thus my fear banish d all my religious hope ; all that former confidence in god which was founded upon such wonderful experience as i had had of his goodness , now vanished , as if he that had fed me by miracle hitherto , could not preserve by his power the provision which he had made for me by his goodness : i reproach d my self with my easiness , that would not sow any more corn one year than would just serve me till the next season , as if no accident could intervene to prevent my enjoying the crop that was upon the ground ; and this i thought so just a reproof , that i resolv d for the future to have two or three years corn beforehand , so that whatever might come , i might not perish for want of bread
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