

音标:[ dàdòngmò, dàdòngmài ]   发音:
  • 1.[生理学] (主动脉) main artery; aorta
    2.(比喻主要交通干线) the artery of communications



  • 例句与用法
  • All the other veins of the triple city either derived their supply from them or emptied into them
  • Large - artery disease of corresponding vessels and cardioembolism are thought to be the most important risk factors for multiple simultaneous infarctions
  • The researchers found that the large arteries in the body became stiffer and less elastic with age , causing increased blood pressure
  • The researchers found that the large arteries in the body became stiffer and less elastic with age , causing increased blood pressure
  • We speculated trabecular development of the arv , such as a chiari network , and with tga , the arv provided systemic circulation through the aorta
  • The hotel is located at cbd , adjoining to many shopping malls and many business offices , which is in the great location . it takes 2 minutes to go to airport by bus
  • Abstract : we describe noncompaction - like remodeling of the anatomical right entricle ( ar ) in a middle - aged subject with modified transposition of the great arteries ( tga )
    摘要:我们描述一例右室( ar )致密化不全样患者,他在中年时进行了矫正性大动脉转位( tga )
  • Abstract : we describe noncompaction - like remodeling of the anatomical right ventricle ( arv ) in a middle - aged subject with modified transposition of the great arteries ( tga )
    摘要:我们描述一例右室( arv )致密化不全样患者,他在中年时进行了矫正性大动脉转位( tga )
  • He underwent successful surgery to have an enlarged aortic root repaired , missed most of the 2005 - 06 season and became a rotation player last season , appearing in 72 games
    他成功度过了修复大动脉扩张手术,错过了05 - 06赛季大部分的比赛。在上个赛季他成为轮换球员,出现在了72场比赛中。
  • Conclusion : it is highly value to diagnosis of fcht ) that heart of fetus were examined by ultrasonography of sequence display gestation age upword 21 weeks
    结论: 21孕周以上常规采用顺序显示法(四腔切面五腔切面左室长轴切面大动脉短轴切面)进行胎儿心脏超声检测对先心病的诊断具有重要价值。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 大动脉的法语:名 artère principale
  • 大动脉的日语:(1)〈生理〉(=主动脉 zhǔdòngmài )大動脈. (2)〈喩〉交通幹線. 京广铁路是我国南北交通的大动脉/京広(北京-広州)鉄道はわが国の南北交通の大動脈である.
  • 大动脉的韩语:[명사] (1)〈생리〉 대동맥. =[主动脉] (2)【비유】 대동맥. [한 나라 교통로의 큰 간선(幹線)을 일컬음] 京釜铁路是我国南北交通的大动脉; 경부선은 우리나라 남북교통의 대동맥이다
  • 大动脉的俄语:pinyin:dàdòngmò, dàdòngmài анат. аорта
  • 大动脉什么意思:dàdòngmài ①主动脉。 ②比喻主要的交通干线:京广铁路是我国南北交通的~。
  • 推荐英语阅读
大动脉的英文翻译,大动脉英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译大动脉,大动脉的英文意思,大動脈的英文大动脉 meaning in English大動脈的英文大动脉怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
