night; nighttime; in the nighttime; at night 短语和例子
夜间施工 carry on construction work at night; 在夜间 by night; 夜间飞行 night flying; 夜间轰炸机 night bomber; 夜间活动 nocturnalism; 夜间磨牙 bruxism; 夜间起飞 night takeoff; 夜间入屋盗窃罪 burglary; 夜间训练 night training;夜间演习night exercise;夜间遗精nocturnal emission
Is there any difference between the day and the night readings ? 白天的度数和夜间 的度数有什么差别吗? But in the evening he came into the drawing room in great spirit . 可是夜间 他却精神勃勃地走进了客厅。 He works nights . 他总在夜间 工作。 The night was clear and starlight, but the wind had not fallen .夜间 天朗气清,星光灿烂,但是风势并未减弱。 Finally the leading ships steamed in at night through the narrow strait . 最后先头船只在夜间 驶入狭窄的海峡。 By saturday night the town was alive with speculation and anticipation . 到星期六夜间 ,全城充满了推测和预料。 My bank was robbed last night, sir, with a false key . 昨天夜间 我的银行遭到抢劫,先生,用的是一把另配的钥匙。 Such measurements have been made in daytime, in twilight, and during the night . 这个测量在白天、晨昏和夜间 进行。 Outside, the silence of the night was disturbed by many unusual noises . 外面,夜间 的宁静被各种异常的闹声所扰乱。 I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season . 在这无情的季节里,在这可怕的夜间 ,我在乡野徘徊。
夜间的法语 :nuit nuitamment夜间的日语 :夜.夜間. 夜间行军/夜間行軍. 为了抓紧 zhuājǐn 完成,夜间也施工 shīgōng /完成を急ぐために夜間も工事をする.夜间的韩语 :[명사] 야간. 밤사이. 밤. 夜间戒严; 야간 계엄 夜间行军; 야간 행군 夜间战斗机; 야간 전투기 =[夜里(头)] [夜来]夜间的俄语 :[yèjian] ночью; в ночное время夜间什么意思 :yè jiān 夜里。