

  • a dying man



  • 例句与用法
  • Weapons will jam and misfire , cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men , lacerated and dismembered by pike , bayonet and shot
    武器有可能塞住并哑火,加农炮有可能失灵并爆炸(或被炸毁) ,战场上剩下受伤以及垂死的人,被当被长矛、刺刀还有子弹割裂或肢解。
  • Mother teresa left her post with the approval of the pope , just to go out and take care of dying persons in calcutta , india , and the end of that path was a special mass in st . peters square , beatifying her as an authentic saint in the roman catholic church . just a little bit of faith , but where does it lead
  • The count had watched the approach of death . he knew this was the last struggle . he approached the dying man , and , leaning over him with a calm and melancholy look , he whispered , " i am - i am " - and his almost closed lips uttered a name so low that the count himself appeared afraid to hear it
    他知道这是最后的回光返照,就走近了那个垂死的人,脸上露出了镇静而忧郁的神色,弯下腰去轻声说道: “我是我是”他那几乎是闭着的嘴里轻轻地吐出一个名字,声音是那么低,仿佛连伯爵自己也怕听见似的。
  • Mother teresa left her post with the approval of the pope , just to go out and take care of dying persons in calcutta , india , and the end of that path will be a special mass in st . peters square , beatifying her as an authentic saint in the roman catholic church . just a little bit of faith , but where does it lead
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垂死的人的英文翻译,垂死的人英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译垂死的人,垂死的人的英文意思,垂死的人的英文垂死的人 meaning in English垂死的人的英文垂死的人怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
