I wouldn't take a glass for a five-pound note; it kills me with heartburn . 那种东西喝下去心里要发烧的,你白给我五镑钱,我也不喝。
Two days before he came into the emergency room he began to have chills, fever, and a cough . 他到急诊室前两天开始打寒战,发烧和咳嗽。
There's a burning fever here, and something now and then to which i fear to give a name . 这里在发烧,我常有一种感觉,但不敢给它定个名堂。
Gastroenteritis is a disease characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, and fever . 胃肠炎是以腹痛、腹泻、头痛和发烧为特征的一种疾病。
Then he writhed as he lay, fevered far more by thought than by physical ills . 那时他就躺在床上,拘挛扭捩,心里的思想使他发烧,发热,远过于身体上的疾病。
Gerald's kisses still burned on her lips and the touch of his hands was tremulous on her arms . 杰拉尔德的吻仍然在她嘴唇上发烧,他双手的接触仍在她手臂上传流。
For this reason, malaria victims do not have a constant fever, but rather fevers that come and go . 正因为是这样,疟疾病人才不是持续不断地发烧,而是间断发烧的。
His face was burning; the girl watched him so closely, studying him, smiling slyly, and maybe could smell his breath . 他的脸在发烧。那姑娘那么仔细地打量着他,揣摩着他,狡黠地笑着,也许还闻得到他的气息。
Symptoms : fever , left ankle pain and right hip pain 病徵:发烧左脚踝痛及右臀痛
Audiophilw re - mastering of japanese award music 日本昭和?光大赏怀旧音乐发烧天碟