

音标:[ bànzìdònghuà ]   发音:
  • semi-automatization



  • 例句与用法
  • With intense completion and the great and various demands in the market , the traditional furniture manufacturing industry is undergoing a transform . at present , most of furniture enterprises have made great strides in industrialized production , and a few of them have realized semi - automation or automation
  • At the early of the intelligent building development , every sub - system has a small scale and a few simple control objects which can be managed by people or half automation , but with the expanding of the sub - systems scale , more and more distributed control objects and equipments , many reduplicate signal cables for voice , data and control is laid , it becomes more difficult to manage and maintain , so it is needed to manage equipments and expand functions by the integration of all kinds of equipments and sub - systems in the building . the development of system integration of intelligent building goes through from dcs to fieldbus
  • Container harbor , as a container transportation system hinge pay a extreme role in enhancing national and international trade , and increase efficiency in container transportation system , further more , field as a important dot in container harbor system , under the control in artificial and con - robotization management state field database revision reliability could n ' t be promised
  • At present , it was applied to different industry , depended on information technology , we can realize automatic operation for process base on manual work and the functions of computer , and can also realize different degree of automatization ( manual operation , semiautomatic , automatic ) for the management of operation by applied workflow technology and workflow management system that have well adaptability
  • The design principle of the circuit is introduced and the technology feature of the circuit is analyzed and discussed . facing to the characteristic of higher technology performance of the system , the examination method and performance test result are given . by rs - 232 interface and programming under the windows operation system through vb language , the semi - automatic examination is achieved
  • 5 . finally , conclusion and the improvement of the system . during the design of this project , our country ' s practical situation are fully considered . using contemporary new apparatus , developed electronic device advanced multi - functional programmable ac standard sources into the computer programmed control . developed the checking equipment which has multil - functions such as check , collect data , mirror caculation and data copy to achieve checking automatic or half - automatic of ac metor . it will make ac indictor ' s check and management to reach a new level
  • Anji yuhong clay chemical co . , ltd . has passed iso9001 and have perdected quality controlled system , there are 3 production line of automatic or semi automatic . we output 8000 ton betonies clay of yh series , 3000 ton inorganic gelatinate of yh series , 15000 tons used in water paint betonies clay of yh series , 35000 tons of casting betonies clay of yh series , 4000 tons 18311827 negion quaternary ammonium salt of series
    有自动化半自动化生产线三条,年产yh系列有机膨润八千吨yh系列无机凝胶三千吨yh系列水性涂料用膨润土五千吨yh系列土木工程膨润土壹万吨yh系列铸造用膨润土三万五千吨yh系列1831 1827等阳离子季铵盐四千吨。
  • Considerated the reusability , extensibility and portability , the program adopts several design patterns to enhance the loose - coupled ability of the system . in order to support the automation and semi - automation of business process , workflow is introduced into the paper for modeling , monitoring and managing the system
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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半自动化的英文翻译,半自动化英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译半自动化,半自动化的英文意思,半自動化的英文半自动化 meaning in English半自動化的英文半自动化怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
