The use of wireless phones while driving may cause distraction . discontinue a call if you can t concentrate on driving 于驾驶时使用无线电话可能导致分神,如你发现无法集中精神,请中止对话。
You ' re making your major league debut and you ' re going to be nervous and things are going to go through your mind 不论是谁在初登板都会紧张,很多事情都会让自己分神,但是我很幸运在今晚成功的结束这场比赛" 。
The effects of fatigue cover a broad range of physical and mental impairments , which includes inattention , distraction , drowsiness and falling asleep 疲劳对体力和脑力的损害范围很广,包括分神,注意力不集中,困倦和打瞌睡。
In the heart occupied do not put , at the same time his thing since cannot help doing , result give a little attention to , cause attention to be not centered 心里有事放不下,同时又不得不做起他的事情,结果分神,造成注重力不集中。
It is easy to be distracted during a recording session and end up with unexpectedly long think times that have an adverse effect on a load test 在记录会话期间,用户非常容易分神,从而导致意外的超长思考时间,这会给负载测试带来负面影响。
They speculate that stronger messages prompt the lateral prefrontal cortex to jump into action , batting back the potentially distracting signals 他们推测当更大量的信息促使额侧前叶皮层活跃起来时,潜意识中的令我们分神的信号自然被挡回去了。
When people are distracted , they have fewer resources to allocate to what they are doing and , as a result , their performance suffers , the scientists say 科学家表示,当人们分神时,他们几乎没有精力再投入他们的工作中,结果他们的工作表现大打折扣。
While the world has been distracted by iraq , afghanistan and much else , iran has been moving relentlessly closer to the point where it could build an atomic bomb 正当全世界一直为伊拉克、阿富汗等国分神之际,伊朗却一直坚持不懈地向制造原子弹的目标挺进。
The first fule of leadership is to save yourself for big decision . don ' t allow your mind to become cluttered with the trivia . don ' t let yourself become the issue 领导的第一个法则是让自己能够下达重大的决定。因此不可为琐碎的事物分神,也不能使自己成为争辩的问题之一。
Peter wanted to be sure that he had enough of the beautifully colored eggs for everyone . so he was counting them all . but he kept getting distracted and losing count 皮特想确定他有充足的为复活节而准备的美丽的彩蛋。所以他正在把它们都数一数。但是他一直分神而忘了数的数字。