Also , until recently medical schools taught that narcotics should be used only briefly at low doses 此外,直到最近,医学院还是教学生只能短暂使用麻醉剂,而且应该维持低剂量。
One case was treated with antihistamine and low dose steroid and the other was treated with supportive treatment 一位病人以抗组织胺药物及低剂量类固醇治疗,另一位则以症状治疗。
Determination of long - term radiation ageing in polymers - part 2 : procedures for predicting ageing at low dose rates 聚合物长期辐照老化的测定.第2部分:低剂量比率下预测老化的过程
In addition , research on radiation effects of mos capacitor implanted bf2 + at low dose rate are also made in short 此外,本文还开展了bf _ 2 ~ +注入mos电容低剂量率辐照效应的研究工作。
Calcium supplements and low doses of vitamin d have been shown to reduce the risk of hip fracture in elderly women 研究发现,钙补充剂和低剂量的维生素d能够降低老妇女髋骨骨折的发生率。
Conclusions there were intrahepatic cholangiectasis and cholangitis in patients with clonorchiasis and jaundice 吡喹酮常规剂量组均可顺利消退黄疸,而采用低剂量吡喹酮治疗组难于消退黄疸。
It could be necessary for the patients with clonorchiasis sinensis to receive high dose of praziquantel 黄疸的消退有赖于吡喹酮的驱虫治疗,但不宜采用低剂量吡喹酮驱虫,否则可能致黄疸加深。
The radiation effects of mos devices implanted bf2 at low dose rate are investigated in some different respects in this paper 本文从不同方面对bf _ 2 ~ -注入mos管低剂量率辐照效应进行了深入的研究。
In a paper in today ' s journal of biology , scientists found that een low leels of chemotherapy can kill brain cells 今天《生物杂志》的一篇文章报道科学家发现即使是低剂量的化疗药物也能杀死脑细胞。
Effects of low dose fractionated irradiation on spleen on function of cellular immune in patients with esophageal carcinoma with radiotherapy 低剂量分次照射脾脏对食管癌放疗患者细胞免疫功能的影响