be passionately devoted; a life-long and unfaltering devotion; be for gone in love with sb. or sth.; be head over heels in love; cherish a deep-seated affection for sb. or sth.; deeply attached (to sb.); fall deeply in love with
一往无前 press forward with indomitable will; advance courageously; carry all before one; go ahead boldly; go forward all the time; go straight with an indomitable spirit; never to stop advancing 这个军队有一往无前的精神。 this army has an indomitable spirit
" i never saw a more promising inclination . he was growing quite inattentive to other people , and wholly engrossed by her “我从来没有看见过象他那样的一往情深他越来越不去理会别人,把整个的心都放在她身上。
The painter acquitted the level of structure with colors , combined the enjoyable and lyric art skill , which made the seasons beauty of the heavenly gate mountain appeared again 画家用色彩来表现层次,写意与抒情结合,一往情深的再现了天门山的季节美。
His affection was proved to have been sincere , and his conduct cleared of all blame , unless any could attach to the implicitness of his confidence in his friend 彬格莱对吉英一往情深,他的行为不应该受到任何指责,万一要指责的话,最多也只能怪他过分信任朋友。
I thought she loved me , outcast as i was ; and i , who from man could anticipate only mistrust , rejection , insult , clung to her with filial fondness 大自然似乎对我很慈祥,虽然我成了流浪者,但我想她很爱我。我从人那儿只能期待怀疑嫌弃和侮辱,我要忠心耿耿一往情深地依恋大自然。
Here was a man whom she thoroughly liked , who exercised an influence over her , sufficient almost to delude her into the belief that she was possessed of a lively passion for him 事实上,她正陷入进退两难的困境。眼前这男人是她非常喜欢的。他对她的影响之大,足以使她误以为自己对他一往情深。
He felt that he must make a strong play on this occasion , but now that the hour was come , and he heard carrie s feet upon the stair , his nerve failed him 那位一往情深的经理心里也有那么一点紧张,因为他充分明了自己此行的目的,他感到这一次他一定要采取果敢行动。可是事到临头,听到楼梯上传来嘉莉的脚步声,他又有点胆怯了。
The ? ? certainly promises uncertain important business matter cashing note , fully satisfied , but as long as softhearted honest and sincerely be passionately devoted , live a head quarter flourish however in an interesting condition color of 当然,承诺不一定要事事兑现、心满意足,但只要温情敦厚的一往情深,生活总会欣欣然有喜色的。
I will not say with me , though he had business relations with me many years ago , and we are now intimate ; i will say with the fair daughter to whom he is so devotedly attached , and who is so devotedly attached to him 我不是说他应该跟我谈起,虽然他跟我有业务关系已经多年,现在又成了好朋友。我是说他应当告诉他漂亮的女儿。他对她一往情深,而谁对她又能不这样一往情深呢?
I told him , moreover , that i believed myself mistaken in supposing , as i had done , that your sister was indifferent to him ; and as i could easily perceive that his attachment to her was unabated , i felt no doubt of their happiness together . 我还告诉他说,我从前以为你姐姐对他平平淡淡,现在才明白是我自己想错了我立刻看出他对吉英依旧一往情深,因此我十分相信他们俩的结合一定会幸福。 ”
She was fearful of exciting any remark , and believed firmly in her daughter s innocence and fidelity to the paternal roof . she listened at eug nie s door , and hearing no sound tried to enter , but the bolts were in place 她是那样害怕引起流言,从心底里坚信可怜的女人,至少在那一点上,她是值得尊敬的她女儿的无辜和她对家庭的一往情深,她在欧热妮的门口听了一会然后,听到没有声音,她想进去,但门从里面闩住了的。
一往情深的韩语:【성어】 정이 매우 깊어지다. 애정이 갈수록 두터워지다. 那位小姐对他真是一往情深; 그 아가씨는 그에게 정이 아주 깊다
一往情深什么意思:yī wǎng qíng shēn 【解释】指对人或对事物顷注了很深的感情,向往而不能克制。 【出处】南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·任诞》:“桓子野每闻清歌。辄唤奈何!谢公闻之曰:‘子野可谓一往有深情。’” 【拼音码】ywqs 【灯谜面】走亲 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语、状语;含褒义 【英文】be head over heels in love