It is a triumph of spiritual and psychological identity , ever choosing from a myriad of probable realities its own clear unassailable focus 从无数或然实在中,选择它自己明确的攻不破的焦点,这是一个精神的和心理的身份的胜利。
There are many research fruits about the theory of human capital in economics and management . rationality of the theory is unassailable 人力资本理论在经济学、管理学方面都有相当规模的研究成果,其理论的合理性是不容置疑的。
Aim at developing the internet banking services of our country , establish in an unassailable position in the competition of the foreign internet banking after joining wto 旨在大力发展我国的网上银行业务,使其能在加入wto组织后面临的国外网上银行的竞争中立于不败之地。
If we can only train students to take examinations , they ca n ' t take hand practice . could they have an unassailable position in the information - intensive competive socity 如果培养出来的学生只会考试,而不会动手实践,那么这样的学生能在激烈竞争的信息社会里立于不败之地吗
The enemy had ceased firing , and that made even more keenly felt the stern menace of that inaccessible , unassailable borderland that was the dividing - line between the two hostile armies 敌军停止射击了,那条把敌对的两军分隔开来的森严可畏不可接近难以辨认的界线于是使人更加清晰地感觉到了。
The enemy had ceased firing , and that made even more keenly felt the stern menace of that inaccessible , unassailable borderland that was the dividing - line between the two hostile armies 敌军停止射击了,那条把敌对的两军分隔开来的森严可畏、不可接近、难以辨认的界线于是使人更加清晰地感觉到了。
The market competition of the automobile products become more vigorous with the development of automobile industry . keeping a unassailable position in the competition , the quality and performance of the automobile products are essential 随着汽车产业的不断发展,整车试验作为检验汽车性能,提高汽车质量的重要手段,受到了越来越多汽车生产企业的重视。
The global economic integration that wto brings makes chinese enterprises welcome the competition era of brands , how make surging brand , make oneself establish in an unassailable position , become all problem that chinese enterprise face already Wto带来的全球经济一体化使中国企业迎来了品牌竞争时代,如何打造强势品牌,使自己立于不败之地,已成为所有中国企业面临的问题。
21 century is the age of globe economic integration and knowledge advocating . the change of development in science and technology makes us realize that only the knowledge could establish an unassailable position in this era of knowledge - driven economy 21世纪是全球经济一体化的世纪,又是一个崇尚知识的时代,科技发展的日新月异,使我们认识到,只有拥有知识才能在这个知识经济时代立于不败之地。
immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with; "an impregnable fortress"; "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"; "a secure telephone connection" 同义词:impregnable, inviolable, secure, strong, unattackable,