They provide top - up and main trip shopping needs for customers who wish to shop quickly , easily and locally 他们能够为那些希望快速、简便和就近购物的顾客提供即时购物和出门购物服务。
Please refer to policy terms and conditions for the minimum amount of single premium top - up and minimum investment in each fund 最低整付额外投资金额及每只基金的最低投资额,请参阅保单条款及细则
The co - op s " welcome ? brand caters for the top - up and impulse shopping needs of passers - by and local people 合作集团旗下的名为“欢迎”的品牌既迎合了那些固定顾客又刺激了那些路过者或者当地居民的购买需求。
We have collaborated with a number of prestigious universities to offer top - up degree programmes locally for our higher diploma graduates 我们更与多家著名大学达成协议,为高级文凭毕业生提供在港修读学位课程的安排。
There are currently top - up degree programmes for students in nearly all disciplines and more new partnership arrangements with other universities are being explored 学院正积极与更多大学磋商,合作为毕业生提供学位课程的升学阶梯。
It is intended that the net proceeds of the top - up subscription will be used for general capital of star cruises and the acquisition or construction of vessel ( s ) 预期认购新股所得款项净额将用作公司的一般营运资金,以及拨支收购或建造邮轮。
Since usd jpy fell further 96 . 90 and no top - up margin was placed , then the outstanding position will be cut - out and your loss will be realized 在美元兑日圆汇价进一步下跌至96 , 90及没有补仓的情况下,您未平仓之合约将被斩仓,而您将承受涉及的亏损。
Refer to those schemes which involve the provision of top - up loans by the property developer or other co - financiers in addition to the mortgage loans granted by banks 第二按揭计划指除了银行批出的按揭贷款外,并由地产发展商或其他机构提供第二按揭的贷款。