extreme adj. 1.极端的;过激的 (opp. moderate)。 2.极限的,非常的。 3.尽头的,末端的。 4.〔古语〕最后的,临终的。 the extreme end of a rope 绳索的末端。 extreme measures 极端手段。 extreme old age 极高龄。 an extreme case 极端的例子。 extreme unction 【天主教】临终涂油礼。 extreme value 【数学】极值。 in one's extreme moments 临终时刻。 the extreme hour of life 临终。 the extreme lefts 极左派。 the extreme penalty (of law) 极刑。 n. 1.极端;末端。 2.〔pl.〕两极端。 3.〔pl.〕困境。 4.【数学】极限值,外项;【逻辑学】(三段论法结论中的)小词或大词 〔cf. middle〕。 the extremes of fortune 盛衰荣枯。 be in extremes 处困境。 Extremes meet. 两极相通,物极必反。 go from one extreme to the other 从一个极端转到另一个极端。 go to extremes =run to an extreme 走极端。 go to the extreme of 采用…的极端手段。 in (the) extreme 极端,非常,很。 n. -ness
" the stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior . 一个社会的稳定取决于该社会对人们极端行为所作出的反应。
Due to the extreme heat , the amber changed its color first to green and then to blue 由于高温这些琥珀的颜色发生了改变,先是绿色,然后变成了蓝色。
A new phenomenon in new zealand is taking the idea of " you are what you eat " to the extreme 纽西兰出现一种新现象,把吃什麽是什麽这种想法推到极致。
A vacant in the cushions on the road to chaos walk , and is surrounded by vacant , dangerous to the extreme 阿咕在悬空的道路上乱走着,四周都是悬空,惊险之极。
Issue15 stability of a society depends on how the society responds to the extremes of people ' s behavior 如何判定什么是极端行为,是违背了法律,道德,或者是常识?
Introduction : a vacant in the cushions on the road to chaos walk , and is surrounded by vacant , dangerous to the extreme 阿咕在悬空的道路上乱走着,四周都是悬空,惊险之极。
Personally responsible for the conception of his individual form of art , shi jianmin pushes his convictions to the extreme 师建民构思着自己艺术的形式也完善着自己的生活信念。
The loom finish modeling in this research is designed according to the extreme of function and the statics moment balance theory 摘要本研究所创建的冲线模式是依据多变量函数极值法与静力学力矩平衡原理设计而成。
However , to die in such a way seems cruel to the extreme and the overriding impression left is of a merciless , greedy jess 但是,这样的死法却似乎是残忍到了极点,而小说给人留下的最深印象就是那个无情、贪婪的杰斯了。
The concept is similar to that of the ' ears ' on the renault nose , but bmw sauber have taken it to the extreme to increase its effect 这个概念类似雷诺车鼻上的耳朵,但是宝马萨伯车队藉由将它推向极限以增加效果。