Expect the snake to be hot . defend against a snake man when you make game plans . put your own player into the snake 预计对手会尝试?领蛇笼。你的战略里必须要有守护蛇笼的计画。把你的队友放进蛇笼里。
An object is said to be hot if its temperature is much higher than that of our bodies or cold if its temperature is much lower 一物体比人体体温高得多时,我们说,该物体是热的;反之,该物体比人体体温低得多时,它就是冷的。
Charles martin , the president of the american chamber of commerce in china estimates china will continue to be hot for us investment . " last year is a good year for american companies in general 业内人士认为,在上汽集团和上汽集团股份目前加大国际战略之时,寻找更多的海外合作伙伴,是必经之路。
Global warming is forecast to set in with a vengeance after 2009 , with at least half of the five following years expected to be hotter than 1998 , the warmest year on record , scientists reported on thursday 科学家们在星期二的报告预测: 2009年后,全球变暖将会加倍上升,在未来的五年内至少比1998年热一半,创下历史性最热的记录。
They make image coding and wireless transmit technologies to be hot research points . in this thesis , we made theory analysis on image communication , including video capture , source coding , modulation , and communication protocol 本论文对无线视频通信的各个环节,包括信号的采集、信源编码、通信协议、信道调制,进行了全面的理论分析,提出一种高效实用的无线视频通信方案。
The practice proved uses the hot tubular real null set to be hot the solar energy air conditioning technology plan which and the absorption type refrigerator unifies is successful , it opened a new application domain for the solar energy light heat utilization technology 实践证明采用热管式真空集热器与吸收式制冷机相结合的太阳能空调技术方案是成功的,它为太阳能光热利用技术开辟了一个新的应用领域。
With the development of market economy and information technology , especially , regional complexity , product specificity , market particularity and channel variability all make the domestic manufacturers feeling hard with channel management . channel patter is turning into platform from traditional multiple layer architecture , and channel managerial focus is turning into process instead of result . these changes presents a new challenge to the current channel management , and how to make effective channel management comes to be hot issues for manufactures at present 随着市场经济、信息技术的发展,渠道模式正从传统的多层结构转变为扁平化,渠道管理也正从重结果转变为重过程,尤其是地域的复杂性、产品的专一性以及行业市场的特殊性使得国内厂商渠道管理变的更为艰难,这些变化都对当前渠道管理提出了新的挑战,在新的形势下,如何对渠道进行有效管理成为厂商最关注的话题。