Like the english social scene as a whole, it had perspectives that the continent seemed to lack . 它和整个英国社会一样,具有一种欧洲大陆似乎所不及的深度。
The average british school-boy is said to be more intelligent than the majority of his like on the continent . 据说英国的一般学童比欧洲大陆的大多数一般学童聪明。
She left the rest of its contents to be disposed of by the auctioneer and took her departure for the continent . 她把其余的一切交给拍卖商处理,动身前往欧洲大陆了。
The width of the continent might have spread between her and home instead of twenty-five miles of dusty road . 她跟家里相隔只有二十五哩路,却仿佛觉得隔着一个大洲一般。
The continents form rugged tablelands which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean . 这些大陆构成了崎岖不平的高地,这些高地差不多高出广阔的海洋的洋底三英里。
The long inconclusive series of wars on the continent were comfortably removed, in terms of danger or observable bloodshed . 从危险性和明显的流血来看,大陆上长期未决胜负的一系列战争已经令人高兴地消除了。
In the new world it meant that we were free to turn our backs on europe and to devote our energies to opening up the continent to the west of us . 在新世界里,这就意味着,我们可以径自背弃欧洲,把我们的精力用来开辟我们西面的大陆。
Many people embark at dover for the continent 许多前往欧洲大陆的人都在多佛搭船。
I live on the continents of europe , asia and africa 我住在欧洲,亚洲和非洲大陆。