The detecting model was tested in an area of yangming mountain in the north of taipei city , resulting in overall interpreting accuracy of 95 . 77 % 以本研究所提出之方法进?屋顶加盖物判释,于台?市阳明山部分地区进?测试,图象判释的整体判释精?可达95 . 77 % 。
The detecting model was tested in an area of yangming mountain in the north of taipei city , resulting in overall interpreting accuracy of 95 . 77 % 以本研究所提出之方法进?屋顶加盖物判释,于台?市阳明山部分地区进?测试,影像判释的整体判释精?可达95 . 77 % 。
We make a comparison between the moving path from taipei city to neighbor taipei county areas and the moving path within taipei city districts 结果显示空间压力不一定是引发家户选择迁移的主因,家户生命周期类型所隐含的需求差异,可以解释家户的释家户的迁移行为。
The aim of this paper is to examine the theory to reality in relation to hph and review the current healthy hospital accreditation policy in taipei city 本文采用文献探讨方式,探讨国际间推行健康促进医院的相关文献,具体了解健康促进医院的内涵,以作为我国发展健康促进医院的参考。
There are several units of taipei city govn ' t having the examination today . due to the security concern , the examination allow no journalist to participation … ( and report 今天到场检查的单位是市府工务局、建管处、劳工局,由于工程意外才刚发生,基于安全顾虑,这次的检查并未开放媒体随行。
This will be an opportunity to promote the uniqueness of canadian food to the high - income district in downtown taichung city and the increased visibility of an event organized outside of the taipei city area ,为亚伯达省政府发起,提供亚伯达省的429个社区约4 , 200个政府健康图书馆及教育设施于所设计。
The results also indicated that the subjects in taipei city had significantly excellent performance on biology concept growth than those in taipei country ; however , gender did not exist significant differences on biology concept growth here 就本研究结果建议透过家庭教育、课室教学与书籍阅读等方面,提升学生的生物概念学习与成长。
In the planning phase prior to the construction of taipei mrt system , dorts the department of rapid transit systems of the taipei city government conducted a comprehensive environmental impact assessment of the initial network . which included the original level assessments of noise and vibration conditions , the influence analyses of ambient surroundings and the countermeasures to attenuate the environmental impact after the accomplishments of the systems 本局为减少震动及噪音问题,于捷运初期路网之建造初期规划阶段即进行紧密之环境影响评估,其中亦包括噪音及振动项目之环境现况、环境影响分析与评估、环境影响减轻等措施。
Therefore , in december 2000 the bureau of transportation of taipei city government completed a feasibility study for an lrt system in the taipei shin - yi district . this study recommended the adoption of an lrt system with a standard track gauge , power supply from overhead wires , two or three cars per train , a length of 90m for platforms , a certificate system for fare payment , consideration of the possibility of using electronic sensor ticketing systems , type b right - of - way for at grade sections , and signaling control for passing priority at the intersections . the study also proposed an initial lrt line of 9 . 6 kilometers in length with 9 stations 现代化轻轨运输系统之运输效能已较电车系统大幅提升,以一般采用b型路权为主,少部分a与c型路权之系统而言,每小时单向运能达到5 , 000至15 , 000人次,介乎高运量捷运与公车系统之间,适合担负都会地区市郊与市中心区的联络路线、市中心区集散路线、铁路与捷运系统接驳路线、都市周边环状线、特定区间(新市镇)联络线、都会区次要运输走廊运输主轴等服务类型。