
surface flow中文是什么意思

  • 表流,径流。



  • 例句与用法
  • Tests relating to pavements . surface drainage properties on pervious pavements . part 4 : measurement of surface flow on draining flooring with a constant loading permeater
  • Calculation of quantity of soil evaporation takes an important part in moisture content prediction , rainfall surface flow calculation and evaluation of water resources
  • Sts maps a id texture to each streamline , and accelerate computing by rendering streamline thickly . sts can simulate animations and visualize 3d surface flows
  • Appling this idea , we set up exponential relation between runoff deepness and grade . finally we gained terrain surface flow - off deepnees distributing of 100m 100m grid in wenzhou
  • We applied those rainfall - rainoff relation formulas to the whole wenzhou area , and gained flat surface flow - off deepnees distributing map of 100m 100m grid in wenzhou
    经确认后又将各月的降雨径流关系应用于整个温州地区,因此得到了温州地区平地上100m 100m的径流深分布结果。
  • Brush question groove , the gap should maintain a certain amount of time to prevent the groove was dry on the second time , it would crash fat from the surface flow , the decline in the quality
  • Based on the hydrogeological conditions , this paper analyzes the styles , damages and mechanism of the water permeation disease , which is divided into fissure water permeation and surface flow water by the water ' s travelling pattern on the sheer
  • Abstract : this paper uses the topology theory to analyze the surface flow spectrums of straight , positively curved and negatively curved cascades with relative tip clearances of 0 . 023 and 0 . 036 , finds apparent differences of topology and vortex structures in the blade tip and the suction side wall corner of single type of cascade with this two clearances , and studies the mechanism of the difference formation as well as their effects on the energy loss
    文摘:应用拓扑原理分析了叶顶相对间隙为0 . 023和0 . 036的涡轮直叶栅和正、反弯叶栅的壁面流谱,发现在两种间隙下同类叶栅的拓扑与旋涡结构在叶顶和吸力面壁角明显不同,探讨了差别形成的机理及其对能量损失的影响
  • The coupling analysis program of surface flow and subsurface flow over porous media is developed based on the conversion principles of water on the surface under rainfall conditions . a new method to judge the saturation of the surface is proposed in this thesis , the convergence is speeded up and the cpu time is saved by using this method
  • The alteration procedure of the underground water level is simulated under drizzle and storm rainfall conditions respectively adopting the coupling fem analysis program of surface flow and subsurface flow . the numerical simulation of the underground water level shows that the drain ditch installed over the slope does not have an notable effect on the underground water level
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surface flow的中文翻译,surface flow是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译surface flow,surface flow的中文意思,surface flow的中文surface flow in Chinesesurface flow的中文surface flow怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
