
service field中文是什么意思

  • 服务领域



  • 例句与用法
  • We originally were the subsidy of shenzhen science and technology bureau and known as shenzehn patent service center who was the first organization in patent servicing field in shenzhen
  • This commission will be a standing body composed of representatives of the legal , medical , psychological or psychiatric , educational and social service fields as well as representatives of the clergy
  • But from another view , the investment banks are forced to reduce the investment in other servicing fields such as acquisitions consult fee for the introduction of these robust clients
  • According to the different service fields of our products , sie has 6 departments , 1 institute , and 2 workshops serving for the foreign companies . in beijing and shenzhen , sie also has its branches
    根据产品的服务领域, sie下设6个部门, 1个研究所, 2个外企配套加工基地。另设深圳分公司及商务所,北京分公司。
  • The author apply with the theory of market demand to make scientific analysis to feasible of project in order to provide theory proof with development of distribution business and extending service field
  • Since participating the world trade organization , the monetary service field in shanghai has hasten its steps in the open plicy , after participating the wto , the effect in insurance field and relevant policy have been the concerning point
  • Mr yau has extensive experience in the social services field for the past thirty years . he was nominated and selected to serve on various local and overseas public bodies contributing his expertise and experience to the health and welfare sectors
  • This paper is just a facial exploration into the application of strategic marketing , conventionally a business term , in the special service field of higher education . reasonable suggestions for enhancing international communications are also available
  • Vehicle navigation system , which belongs to the research category of the traveler information service fields in intelligent transportation system ( its ) , is an important its application system in great demand
    车辆导航系统是智能运输系统( intelligenttransportationsystem ,简称its )中当前需求较为迫切、应用比较广泛的一个重要的应用系统,它属于its中出行者信息服务领域的研究范畴。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 推荐英语阅读
service field的中文翻译,service field是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译service field,service field的中文意思,service field的中文service field in Chineseservice field的中文service field怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
