receiver n. 1.接受者。 2.收税人,收税官。 3.招待人。 4.窝家,收买贼赃的人。 5.应战者。 6.【法律】破产案产业管理人,(争执财产等的)委托管理人。 7.【化学】接收器,容器;【机械工程】蓄汽室,收汽室;接受器;接收机,收报机,收音机,收话机,听筒;电视机,(电视)接收机。 a dual range receiver 长短波收音机。 The receiver is as bad as the thief. 窝家跟贼一样坏。
Depending on the nature of the noise sensitive receivers , the construction noise permit may allow carrying out percussive piling of a total duration of 3 , 5 or 12 hours during the permitted hours 建筑噪音许可证通常批准3 5或12小时的核准时间,视乎噪音感应强地方的情况而定。
Provide non - sensitive buildings or setbacks to create buffers between roads ( pollution source ) and sensitive receivers . office buildings , enclosed sports halls , retail malls , etc can be used as buffers 在易受环境滋扰的建筑物与道路(污染来源)之间,应保持适当距离,或利用不易受环境滋扰的建筑物作为缓冲。
Is a source of annoyance to any person other than a person in the place from which the noise is emanating in any place considered to be a noise sensitive receiver in the technical memorandum mentioned in paragraph ; or 对在a段所述技术备忘录订为噪音感应强地方的任何人但不包括身在发出噪音地方的人士构成滋扰或
These efforts ensure that new noise - sensitive receivers such as homes and schools will not be exposed to excessive noise and new infrastructure will not cause insurmountable noise problems 透过参与规划,政府确保对噪音感应强的地方例如住宅及学校日后不会受过量噪音滋扰,而新的基建设施亦不会引致难以克服的噪音问题。
2 odorous permitted stockpiled material shall be placed remote from air sensitive receivers . any odorous stockpiled material left in excess of two days shall be covered with tarpaulin sheets 任何带有难闻气味的容许堆存物料,须放于远离易受空气污染影响的地方。任何带有难闻气味的堆存物料,堆存多于2天,必须以防水帆布盖好。
During the construction phase , the construction noise predicted at the representative noise sensitive receivers will not exceed the noise standard due to natural geographic shielding and the remoteness from the construction site 在施工阶段,由于自然地理的遮挡作用及这些敏感受体的位置远离工程地盘,所以建筑噪音预计将不会超过噪音水平。
3 metre high purpose built noise barriers shall be erected between the plant in operation and nearby noise sensitive receivers , where noise sensitive receivers are at distances of between 60 and 100 metres from the works 当噪音感应强的地方与工地相距60至100米时,应把3米高特别设计的隔声屏障建立在运作中的设备与附近噪音感应强的地方之间。
3 metre high purpose built , noise barriers shall be erected between the plant in operation and nearby noise sensitive receivers , where noise sensitive receivers are at distances of between 60 and 100 metres from the works 当噪音感应强的地方与工地相距60至100米时,应把3米高特别设计的隔声屏障建立在运作中的设备与附近噪音感应强的地方之间。
Wwf hong kong concludes that the ecological assessment has underestimated the possible impacts of the construction works on the ecologically sensitive receivers , and consequently led to inadequate mitigation measures being proposed 世界自然基金会总结生态评估内容低估了建筑工程可能对生态环境较脆弱的地区造成的影响,导致建议进行的缓解措施不足。
The unwelcome facilities usually are located away from population and often end up in areas near country parks or proposed country parks . these areas need to be considered as sensitive receivers with similar importance to human habitation 社会排斥的设施通常位于远离人口的地点,结果往往设在现有或建议中的郊野公园附近。这些地区应和市民的住所受到一样的重视,需要划为容易受影响的地区。