
sensitive receiver中文是什么意思

  • 灵敏接收机
  • 易受滋扰人士;易受滋扰地带



  • 例句与用法
  • Depending on the nature of the noise sensitive receivers , the construction noise permit may allow carrying out percussive piling of a total duration of 3 , 5 or 12 hours during the permitted hours
    建筑噪音许可证通常批准3 5或12小时的核准时间,视乎噪音感应强地方的情况而定。
  • Provide non - sensitive buildings or setbacks to create buffers between roads ( pollution source ) and sensitive receivers . office buildings , enclosed sports halls , retail malls , etc can be used as buffers
  • Is a source of annoyance to any person other than a person in the place from which the noise is emanating in any place considered to be a noise sensitive receiver in the technical memorandum mentioned in paragraph ; or
  • These efforts ensure that new noise - sensitive receivers such as homes and schools will not be exposed to excessive noise and new infrastructure will not cause insurmountable noise problems
  • 2 odorous permitted stockpiled material shall be placed remote from air sensitive receivers . any odorous stockpiled material left in excess of two days shall be covered with tarpaulin sheets
  • During the construction phase , the construction noise predicted at the representative noise sensitive receivers will not exceed the noise standard due to natural geographic shielding and the remoteness from the construction site
  • 3 metre high purpose built noise barriers shall be erected between the plant in operation and nearby noise sensitive receivers , where noise sensitive receivers are at distances of between 60 and 100 metres from the works
  • 3 metre high purpose built , noise barriers shall be erected between the plant in operation and nearby noise sensitive receivers , where noise sensitive receivers are at distances of between 60 and 100 metres from the works
  • Wwf hong kong concludes that the ecological assessment has underestimated the possible impacts of the construction works on the ecologically sensitive receivers , and consequently led to inadequate mitigation measures being proposed
  • The unwelcome facilities usually are located away from population and often end up in areas near country parks or proposed country parks . these areas need to be considered as sensitive receivers with similar importance to human habitation
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 推荐英语阅读
sensitive receiver的中文翻译,sensitive receiver是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译sensitive receiver,sensitive receiver的中文意思,sensitive receiver的中文sensitive receiver in Chinesesensitive receiver的中文sensitive receiver怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
