In a wonderful, unexpected way, it was old samuel who gave elizabeth encouragement . 用一种奇妙的,意想不到的方式,老塞缪尔给了伊丽莎白勇气。
Never has a text been expounded with more complexity, not even by the great samuel . 从未有人能把一段经文讲解得这么玄妙深奥连伟大的经师撒母尔也没有做到过。
Samuel estimated that it would take about seventy-two hours for the culture of bacteria to develop in ferd . 塞缪尔估计,大概要经过七十二小时,在菲德身上的培养菌才能发育起来。
There was no reason in the world why samuel bruhl shouldn't have lived along quietly until he died of some commonplace malady . 本来,卜卢先生理应寂寂无闻地活到老,以寻常疾病而终。
During these different expeditions samuel fergusson was the most active and interesting correspondent of the daily telegraph . 萨梅尔费尔久逊在这几次探险中,是《每日电讯报》最积极,最受欢迎的通讯记者。
Mr. samuel talked to the musician about his early acquaintance with pendennis and described him as a confounded conceited blackguard . 塞缪尔先生告诉乐师,他从小就认识潘登尼斯,说那是一个自高自大、十恶不赦的混蛋。
Gretchen told me that you like aaron samuels 格雷琴告诉我,说你喜欢亚伦?塞缪尔
And samuel judged israel all the days of his life 15撒母耳平生作以色列的士师。
It didn ' t work for me , samuel , but maybe - - shudders 这对我不适用,山默尔,也许
And samuel answered saul and said , i am the seer 19撒母耳回答说,我就是先见。