Review the evaluation rubric at the link below so that you ' ll know how to organize and present your information 贵队可以先从基本元素开始,如果时间允许的话,再逐步去修饰作品的细节。
The assessment approaches of teaching portfolios are conference , interview , presentations , written evaluation , rubrics and so on 教学档案袋的评价方法有召开讨论会、面谈法、叙述法、书面评价、出题目等。
In the process of implementation , the beacon initiative illustrated the great diversity of activities and relationships taking place under a single rubric 在政策实施过程中,示范活动呈现出多样化的特征,形成了多种关系。
Banks , manufacturers , and government agencies are quietly moving many of their old programs to linux , often under the rubric of " consolidation . 银行、制造商和政府机构通常为了“整合” ,正悄悄地将他们的许多旧程序移到linux上。
Under the rubric personality , anthony is described as " humble and private , you view the world through a dreamy and reflective le . 在红色的名字下面,还有一段这样的描述“你谦逊而低调,你用一种平和而爱思考的心态对待这个世界” 。
Under the rubric personality , anthony is described as " humble and private , you view the world through a dreamy and reflective lens . 在红色的名字下面,还有一段这样的描述“你谦逊而低调,你用一种平和而爱思考的心态对待这个世界” 。
Under the rubric personality , anthony is described as " humble and private , you view the world through a dreamy and reflective lens . 在红色的名字下面,还有一段这样的描述“你谦逊而低调,你用一种平和而爱思考的心态对待这个世界” 。
Yet , as always , the gratuitous meaning of the work in never avowed directly : it is rationalized under the rubric of use 还有,这件作品还有一种不值一提的意义,但这种意义绝没有被直截了当的宣布出来:他是一种在效用法则下自圆其说的产物。
Score this project using a printed peer review rubric and then enter the scores in the short form below . hit the tab key to move from field to field 使用书面评分表先在纸上打好分数后再在下方的短表中输入分数,按tab键来在各空格中移动。
He despised the canons and rubric , swore by the articles , and deemed himself consistent through the whole category which in a way he might have been 他瞧不起法典和礼拜规程,却又坚信宗教条例,并且自己认为在这类问题上是始终如一的这从某方面说他是做到了的。