In an instant he was placed in the stern - sheets of the boat , between the gendarmes , while the officer stationed himself at the bow ; a shove sent the boat adrift , and four sturdy oarsmen impelled it rapidly towards the pilon 刹那间,他已经被士兵们夹持着坐在船尾,警官刚坐在船头,船只一篙就被撑离了岸,四个健壮的桨手划着它迅速地向皮隆方向驶去。
The two oarsmen bent to their work , and the little boat glided away as rapidly as possible in the midst of the thousand vessels which choke up the narrow way which leads between the two rows of ships from the mouth of the harbor to the quai d orleans 青年水手跳上了小艇,坐在船尾,吩咐朝卡纳比埃尔街划去。两个水手即刻划动起来,小船就飞快地在那从港口直到奥尔兰码头的千百只帆船中间穿梭过去。