mount vt. 1.登,上(山、梯、王位等)。 2.骑,乘(马等)。 3.使人骑上(马),扶上(马);使做骑兵。 4.安装,装配,架(炮等);装置,装备;裱(画、地图等);镶(宝石等);封固,(把检物镜)固定在载(玻)片 (slide) 上,剥制(动物)。 5.准备服装、道具,上演(剧本)。 6.穿,戴。 7.测定,确定;规定。 vi. 1.登,上;(血)上面孔。 2.骑马;乘(on)。 3.(数量等)增长;增高;上升。 mount the stairs 上楼梯。 mount a horse 骑上马。 mount insects 制昆虫标本。 be well [poorly] mounted 骑着好[劣]马。 mount (an offensive) against 对…发动(攻势)。 mount guard 站岗。 mount guard over 守望,守卫。 mount (gems) in 镶(宝石)在…。 mount (a gun) on 把(大炮)安在…上。 mount the high horse 趾高气扬;自大。 mount up to ... (金额)增加到…。 n. 1. 坐骑〔马,骡;自行车等〕;〔俚语〕(尤指赛马时的)骑马的机会;登,爬上;骑马。 2. (衬托相片等用的)硬板纸,衬托纸,裱画纸;(家具的)边饰;(镶宝石的)宝石托;(显微镜的)载(玻)片;踏脚台;炮架,支架。 3. 扇把,扇骨。 4. (电子管)管脚。 get down from one's mount 下马。 mount2 n. 1.〔书面语〕山,丘;〔M-〕…山,…峰〔通常略作 Mt〕。 2.【手相】宫〔掌肉隆起处〕。
You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them 9你管辖海的狂傲波浪翻腾、你就使他平静了。
Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high 27大鹰上腾,在高处搭窝,岂是听你的吩咐么?
"is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high 伯39:27大鹰上腾、在高处搭窝、岂是听你的吩咐麽。
Now the eldest princess was fifteen years old, and might mount up to the surface of the sea 现在最大的那位公主已经到了十五岁,可以升到水面上去了。
They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths; in their peril their courage melted away 26他们上到天空,下到海底,他们的心因患难便消化。
The word is renew . " they shall mount up as wings as eagles . they shall run and not be weary . 神的话语使人更新:他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦。
They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths : their soul is melted because of trouble 诗107:26他们上到天空、下到海底、他们的心因患难便消化。
In the title of this message, when i ask you to mount up, what i m asking you to do is to consecrate yourselves to god 今天我要求大家将自己分别为圣献给神,寻求赦罪
"part of last week s washin mounted up, me bein away to get you, " he explained . " your box arrived all right “我去找你的时候上周的衣服又堆了起来,”他解释,“你的箱子已经送到了。
In the clover-fields beyond the chestnut-trees, a lark was mounting up to heaven, while pouring out her clear morning song 在栗子树后面的苜宿园里,一只百灵鸟冲向天空,传来清脆的晨歌。