Reports of giant squid , which can weigh up to a ton , date back to the 1530s when sailors mistook them for mermen or sea serpents 有关巨型鱿鱼的传说很多。早在1530年,海员就发现了巨型鱿鱼,并把它们误认为传说中的男性人鱼或海中毒蛇。
Balrog looks like a cross between a lion and a merman with red eyes and dreadlocks . he behaves exactly like sylvester , but requires more hits to kill 炎魔巴洛克像狮子与人鱼的合体,它有红色的眼睛和长长的头发。它的行为方式与西尔维斯特一样,只不过更具有攻击性。
" well said , sea elf , " the merman second said . " eadro watches ! " he touched the blood - coral amulet of his private god . " we thought waterdeep was beyond their reach . "说得好,海精灵, "人鱼副官说道, "依卓洛在上! "他触碰了一下象征自己信仰的血珊瑚项坠, "我们原以为深水城不在他们的活动范围里。
" we heard it shatter , " the merman said , guessing shemsen ' s thoughts . " it will be a tenday before the waterdeep mage - guild enchants a new one - more than a tenday with fleetswake on the tide "我们听到了它粉碎的声音, "人鱼猜测着舍姆森的想法,说道, "等深水城的法师公会重建一座至少要十天- -派人来防卫还要十多天。
Mermen are mythical male equivalents and counterparts of mermaids?? legendary creatures who have the form of a male human from the waist up and are fish-like from the waist down, having scaly fish tails in place of legs.