
memory bank中文是什么意思

  • 【自动化】存储体,记忆体。



  • 例句与用法
  • Ddr sdram memory bank is used as the mass buffer in some applications . compact pci 6u board is adopted because of its reliability
  • As the pain from such lifetimes surfaces , cathart the pain and intend to release and erase the experience from the genetic memory banks
  • Rare events that might have an impact on an individual ' s survival or reproduction should have a special fast lane into the memory bank ? and they do
  • These three components are represented in a pseudo - rolodex that acts as one ' s memory bank . the rolodex contains a card for every individual currently active in the system
  • A young man wakes up in a hotel room and is suffering from amnesia . as he searches his memory banks , he remembers a nightclub , lots of killing and cops giving chase
  • The machine - aided translation software provides the memory bank , and it can be said to be a huge clipboard and a high - speed input method ; however the translator is still responsible for choosing the content of the input
  • As we forgive and release and erase the experience from our memory banks , then the depression lifts and we can ascend into another set of genetics that was pure and prior to the blending of our two kingdoms ; this is what we are working upon at this time to create a separate consciousness for dolphins and whales as two individuated fully conscious species
  • We have come onto this planet to trigger your memory banks - to inspire the human race through the band of light so that you will begin to remember who you are , to create your own reality , and to alter the frequency on the planet and claim rightful ownership of yourselves and this territory
  • Followed above , this dissertation has much content about the hardware design which include dsp , fpga , ddr sdram memory bank interface circuit , pci , power circuit , board - level interconnection design . this part puts much emphasis on key circuits many of which require us to have deeply known the components adopted and involved specifications
    这部分主要是对电原理图的重要地方和需要注意的地方进行重点阐述,包括dsp 、 fpga 、 ddrsdram内存条接口电路、 pci接口电路、电源、板级互连等部分。
  • The main results are as follows : aiming at simple genetic algorithm ’ s slow convergence and slow resolving power and so on , extended zooming genetic algorithms are brought forward , i . e . it keeps invariable string length , unceasingly leaves evolving information in decoding formula from individual string , and spare genes have function such as memory bank which is supplied with new genes for improving solution precision
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
A memory bank is a logical unit of storage in electronics, which is hardware dependent. In computer the memory bank may be determined by the memory access controller along with physical organization of the hardware memory slots.
  • 其他语种释义
  • memory bankとは意味:{1} : 記憶装置{きおく そうち} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (個人{こじん}の)全記憶{ぜん きおく}
  • 推荐英语阅读
memory bank的中文翻译,memory bank是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译memory bank,memory bank的中文意思,memory bank的中文memory bank in Chinesememory bank的中文memory bank怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
