diet n. 1.饮食,食物;规定的饮食。 2.日常看[听]的东西,日常做的事情。 a subsistence diet 维持健康所必需的最少食量。 a vegetable [meat] diet 素[肉]食。 vt. 给与(病人)规定的饮食。 diet oneself on vegetables 吃素。 vi. 吃规定的饮食,忌嘴,忌口。 -er (旨在减肥的)节食者,吃规定饮食的人。 n. 〔常 D-〕(丹麦、日本等的)议会,国会。
meat n. 1.(食用)肉。 2.〔古语〕食物;〔古语〕餐。 3.(蛋、贝、果子等的)肉;(蟹、虾等的)肉。 4.(书的)内容,实质。 butcher's meat 家畜的肉。 white [light] meat 白肉〔指鸡等禽类胸脯肉〕。 red meat 红肉〔指牛肉、羊肉等〕。 dark meat 黑肉〔指烧不白的鸡(腿)肉〕。 green meat 青菜,蔬菜。 inside meat 可吃的内脏。 One man's meat is another man's poison. 利于甲者未必利于乙。 after meat , mustard 饭后上芥末,〔转义〕雨后送伞。 as full (of errors) as an egg is of meat (头脑等)充满了(错误);尽是(错误)。 be at meat 正在吃饭。 be meat and drink to 对(某人)是无上的乐趣。 be meat for sb.'s master 太好。 meat and potatoes 〔美俚〕重点,基础。 sit at meat 就席。 meat-and-potatoes adj. 〔美俚〕重要的,基本的。
If veterinarians do recommend raw meat diets for pets under their care they should be aware of potential liability concerns should a pet or in - contact human become ill due to pathogens originating in the diet 若执业兽医建议饲主采取生肉饲喂的方式,他们应该?解这种食谱可能导致宠物被病菌侵袭而患病。
First , when i finally discovered the true state of the sound that i had heard for 12 years , i came to know what the quan yin method is . second , i consciously quit following a meat diet 第一,完全明白了我过去十一年来所听到的内在声音的真实情况,也才了解什么叫做观音法门,其次,我在意识上完全断了肉食。
The coach leading the miaoli team was brother qiu , also a quan yin practitioner , who challenged the misconception among most people , especially athletes , that a meat diet is the best way to nurture strength 根据带领苗栗县队出赛的教练,也是修习观音法门的邱师兄表示,一般人尤其是运动员咸信长养力气最佳方式便是食肉这其实是非常错误的观念。
All these experiences have become my most valuable wealth . furthermore , to carry out environmental protection in daily life , the teams advisor explained the negative influence of a meat diet on the body and environment , and everyone agreed to eat vegetarian meals at meetings 此外,为了落实生活环保,指导老师向队员说明荤食对身体的影响和环境的破坏后,大家同意每次聚会都用素食,几位非同修队员也尽可能在日常生活中落实素食的理念。
Veterinarians recommending raw food diets must inform pet owners of potential risks , and should educate the owners on how to mitigate risks of pathogen exposure in both handling the food and in managing pets consuming raw meat diets 若兽医建议饲主采用生肉食谱饲喂宠物,必须明确告知饲主该饲喂方式潜在的风险,必须告知饲主如何稳妥地处理这些食物,如何帮助自己的宠物安全地吃下这些食物,以降低饲主自身以及其宠物受到病菌侵害的可能性。
As time passed , these mental struggles gradually subsided and only then did i recall that when i initially vowed to quit the meat diet and practice spiritually , i did not do it for the sake of having fantastic or miraculous experiences , but because i was totally convinced of masters message about vegetarianism and the nature of human existence . i was especially awed by the noble and selfless demeanor of the great person that master is , as well as by her boundless love , which is as vast as the ocean 当这样的心情逐渐随着时间的流逝而降温时,我才想起自己当初之所以发心决定修行不再吃肉,并不是由于什么神奇巧妙的因缘,而是心悦诚服于师父对素食和人生的剖析,尤其折服于师父宏伟无私的大丈夫气概,以及浩瀚如海的无边爱心,每一思及便令我泫然欲泣。