Vegetarian diets : the most common form of vegetarianism is ovo - lacto vegetarianism , in which meat and fish are eschewed but eggs and dairy products are eaten 素食最常见的素食者是乳蛋素食者,即不吃肉和鱼而吃鸡蛋和乳制品。
Provides sauces , spices , marinades , and crumb coatings to the retail and wholesale meat and fish industries and to the catering foodservice markets throughout ireland -生产经营金狮牌系列酱油,门牌系列食醋,王致和牌系列腐乳,料酒和酱。
Children inherit their taste for meat and fish but when it comes to vegetables and desserts it ' s more nurture than nature , according to a study 一项研究表明,儿童遗传了爱吃鱼肉的习惯,但是对于蔬菜和甜品,与其说是自然的需要,还不如说是出于对营养的考虑。
To ensure adequate supply of these nutrients , they should eat grains and cereals ( such as rice , congee , bread and oatmeal ) , green vegetables , beans , lean meat and fish 要补充这些矿物质,最佳方法是每天饮食均包括五谷类(如饭、粥、面包或燕麦) 、绿色蔬菜、豆类、瘦肉或鱼类。
Chinese farm products are getting safer , the government said on tuesday , citing tests of fruit , vegetables , meat and fish in major cities that showed more than 95 percent of products were up to standard 报道说,农业部农产品质量安全监测结果显示,我国农产品质量总体水平在不断提高。
Before meeting master , i was a long way from a vegetarian lifestyle , as i consumed meat and fish , smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and drank liquor and beer 遇到师父之前,我的生活方式与素食相距非常遥远。以前我吃很多非素食的食物,像是鱼和各种肉类等等我一天要抽一包烟,也喝烈酒和啤酒。
In distinct in style , western food restaurant , coffee shop , specially engage the famous cook in guangdong and make the famous meat and fish dishes of table delicacies with available color , fragrance and taste for you with all strength 风格各异的中西餐厅咖啡厅,特聘广东名厨全力为您打造色香味俱全的美食名肴。
In distinct in style , western food restaurant , coffee shop , specially engage the famous cook in guangdong and make the famous meat and fish dishes of table delicacies with available colour , fragrance and taste for you with all strength 风格各异的中西餐厅咖啡厅,特聘广东名厨全力为您打造色香味俱全的美食名肴。
During this period , i began to give up meat and fish , and through a simple calculation , determined that by eating 300 grams of meat daily i was consuming over 100 kg a year - more than my weight in dead animals 这段时间,我开始放弃吃鱼和肉类。大致算一算,我每天都吃300公克的肉,一年吃了超过100公斤的肉,在我体内的动物尸体超过我的体重!
The body can absorb more of the iron present in meat and fish than the iron in plant foods , but combining even a small amount of meat or fish with iron - rich plant foods , will increase the body s ability to absorb the iron from the plant foods 肉和鱼中的铁比植物性食物中的铁更容易被人体吸收,但在富含铁的植物性食物中加入少量的鱼或肉能促进植物性食物中铁的吸收。