Study on the separation of fibro - lysosome of earthworm and its partly bilchemistry property 金龙消栓合剂对大鼠实验性血栓形成和高脂血症影响的研究
Quantitative analysis of the ultrastructure of the lysosomes and the contents of the acpase after local brain ischemia in rats 脑缺血后不同时间半影区内神经元损伤的实验研究
Components of cells such as chromosomes , membranes and lysosomes may be damaged over a period of seconds to hours 细胞组织如染色体细胞膜和溶小体会在数秒至数小时之间被破坏。
Understanding how the bacteria grow and avoid lysosomes might suggest new ways to forestall or halt the infection 了解披衣菌如何生长及避开溶小体,将可能提供预防或阻挡感染的新方法。
After exposure to sodium butyrate , the cells contained well - developed organelles such as mitochondria , lysosomes , golgi apparatus , rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum 在细胞与细胞之间还观察到了肝细胞特征性的细胞间胆管结构。
Oval nuclei situated near the cell base , there were many rod - shaped mitochondria , rough endoplasmic reticulum , lysosomes and numerous vesicules within the absorbing cells 吸收细胞之间可见少量低电子密度的亮细胞,其种类需进一步确定。
If the lysosomes cannot provide bits of the bacteria for display on the cell surface , patrolling t cells will not recognize that a cell harbors invaders 溶小体未能将披衣菌碎片呈现在细胞表面,巡逻的t细胞便不晓得哪个细胞窝藏了入侵者。
In addition , the numbers and types of lysosome were increased in the mean time and some lysosomes became void vesicles , the autophagiosomea or the myeloid bodies ( md ) 此外,溶酶体的数量随镉处理时间的延长而增多,微绒毛也出现脱落和部分空泡化。
The organelles with membranous structure in myocardial cells and germ cells were easily damaged , such as mitochondria , nucleus , golgi body ( gb ) and lysosome 细胞内容易受到损伤的主要结构是具膜的细胞器,如线粒体、细胞核、高尔基体及溶酶体等。
A little amount of copper granules were deposited in the lysosome of the cells of antennal glands , and endoplasmic reticulum was curved in the cells 在触角腺中分布有少量的铜颗粒,触角腺细胞内的铜颗粒主要分布于溶酶体中,同时细胞内的内质网出现弯曲。
an organelle found in the cytoplasm of most cells (especially in leukocytes and liver and kidney cells)
Lysosomes are cellular organelles that contain acid hydrolase enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris. They can be described as the stomach of the cell.