

音标:[ 'leibail ]   发音:
  • adj.



  • 例句与用法
  • The amounts of ca2 - p , al - p , labile po and mid - labile po , which are more available for plant , increased with the improvement of soil fertility , but generally the avail . p was very poor in soils . 2
    随着肥力水平的提高,对作物有效性较高的ca _ 2 - p 、 al - p 、活性op和中度活性op等的含量都呈上升趋势,但是土壤中有效磷含量整体偏低。
  • The amount of free ions and labile complexes of copper has been determined and the apparent stable constants have been calculated in a proteose peptone medium by anodic stripping staircase voltammetry ( assv )
  • Therefore , olsen - p , labile p and algae - available p in the soils accumulated gradually with long - term applying fertilizer p , which were favorable to the growth of crops , but enlarged the risk of p loss from soil to water bodies
  • Soil labile organic carbon is involved in all biological and biochemical processes in soil , the minor change of loc can be detected before the content of total organic carbon ( toc ) in soil has changed , although it accounts for small fraction of toc
  • Nicola : it ' s not easy to find subjects that they center idea . partially , the two albums can be considered of the concepts , but it is not a deliberate plan ; a common denominator between the songs exists , but often it is much labile
  • The combined sampling pcr detection method was found to be fully feasible for the rapid ( approximately 2 . 5 h ) and highly specific ( no cross - reactivity ) identification of the labile airborne virus in the air containing elevated concentrations of other microorganisms
  • That is to say , there was enrichment tendency for phosphorus , especially for po , with the increase of soil fertility . pi mainly occurred in ca - p forms in which ca10 - p made up most in 58 % ~ 61 % , while the amount of ca2 - p was very lower . po exists mainly in the form of mid - labile po ( around 66 % ~ 69 % )
    在磷素的各种形态中,无机磷形态以钙磷为主,其中以难溶性的ca _ ( 10 ) - p占大多数,达58 - 61 ,而有效性强的ca _ 2 - p等较少;有机磷形态以中度活性有机磷为主,占66 - 69 。
  • The results showed that the contents of olsen - p and total p in surface yellow soil layer of hilly area have significant difference under various land use patterns , the concentrations of labile p ( cacl2 - extractable p ) or algae - available p ( naoh - extractable p ) also obviously difference in the soils , of which continuous tobacco land has higher level of p in the soils
    不同利用方式下黄壤旱地有效磷( olsen - p ) 、土壤易解吸磷( cacl _ 2浸提磷) 、藻类可利用的土壤总磷( naoh浸提磷)的含量出现明显的差异,其大小顺序为连作烟地烤烟-玉米轮作地连作玉米地林地。
  • To dress the question if other virulence gene were present in this kind of strains , 152 of 436 irp2 - hybridized strains were re - confirmed and selected for this study . the virulence genes or putative virulence genes detected by pcr or hybridization include heat stable toxin ( st ) & heat labile toxin ( lt ) for enterotoxigenic e . coli ( etec ) , invasive plasmid antigen b ( ipab ) for enteroinvasive e . coli ( eiec ) , epec adherence factor ( eaf ) , epec secretion protein c ( espc ) for enteropathogenic e . coli ( epec ) , hemolysin ( hlya ) and shiga toxins ( sltl and slt2 ) for enterohaemorrhagic e . coli ( ehec ) and eaggec probe for entero - aggregative e . coli ( eaggec ) . the prra and yc73 genes of pathogenicity associated island ( pai ) of urepathogenic e . coli ( upec ) and " o " island 28 ( rtx 615 ) gene was also detected , the later was a newly discovered putative pathogenicity island in e . coli o157 : h7
    为探讨携带小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌的hpi毒力岛的大肠杆菌是否具有其他已知的毒力基因,选取82株由原位杂交和pcr方法初筛irp2阳性的大肠杆菌菌株,进行在致泻性大肠杆菌的25个毒力基因的检测,包括肠产毒性大肠杆菌的热稳定毒素st和热不稳定毒素lt ,肠侵袭性大肠杆菌的侵袭蛋白b基因ipab ,肠致病性大肠杆菌的eaf 、 espc基因,肠出血性大肠杆菌的溶血素hly 、志贺毒素1 ( slt1 ) 、志贺毒素2 ( slt2 )基因,肠集聚性大肠杆菌的eaggec探针,以及在泌尿道致病性大肠杆菌和o157 : h7大肠杆菌中新发现的毒力岛基因。
  • Soil labile organic carbon ( loc ) refers to the fractions of organic carbons that are easy to move and to be oxidized and mineralized , and they are quite available to plant and soil microorganisms . soil water - soluble organic carbon ( wsoc ) , microbial biomass carbon ( mbc ) , and easily oxidisable organic carbon ( eoc ) are considered to be the useful indicators of loc
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  • 英文解释
  • liable to change; "an emotionally labile person"

  • (chemistry, physics, biology) readily undergoing change or breakdown

  • 其他语种释义
  • labileとは意味:{形} : 変化{へんか}しやすい、変わりやすい、不安定{ふあんてい}な -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】le'ibail、【分節】la?bile
  • 推荐英语阅读
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