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  • 例句与用法
  • Alkylammonium cations method is a new way to study the diagenetic age of sedimentary rocks . alkylammonium cations can replace k cations in mica and illite stoichiometrically
  • The results indicate that the jade mainly consists of illite and a small quantity of feldspar , quartz , hematite , siderite and rutile , which is argillaceous sedimentary rock
  • The distinctness of rock for deep clastic gas layers in songliao basin is laumontitization , sericitization and water - bearing property of illite , and extensive albitization
  • Between diagenetic and detrital illites , alkylammonium reacts with detrital illite first . some other approaches such as vacuum encapsulation are applied , which improve the effect of dating
  • The contamination of detrital illite hinders the direct application of isotope ages . in order to separate authegenic illite from detrital , iaa and alkylammonium methods are performed in illite separating
  • The smectite - to - illite transformation has close relation with sedimentation and thermal history of basins . so illite can indicate period of oil formation . dating of authegenic illite is an important task
  • For thirty years , the institute has been engaged in geological prospecting for alunite , illite , pyrite , bentonite , fluorite , phosphate rock , sericite etc , has completed and submitted more than 70 geological reports
  • The xrd and sem indicate that the types clay consists of i / s mixed layer , illite and kaolinite . the i / s mixed layer is the most abundant mineral in the clay samples . the chlorite clay mineral has not been detected in the formation
    Xrd与sem综合分析证实,砂岩中粘土矿物由i s混层、伊利石与高岭石组成,其中以i s混层为主,样品中没有发现绿泥石矿物。
  • The gemmological characteristics of illite jade ( the popular name with " zipao jade " ) in the market of china are analysed by using the conventional gemmological methods and mordern testing methods such as laser raman spectrometer , xrd and ir
    摘要对中国珠宝市场上的一种伊利石质玉石(俗称“紫袍玉” )进行了常规的宝石学测试以及激光拉曼光谱、 x射线粉晶衍射和红外光谱测试分析。
  • Clay minerals are of illite , chlorite , kaolinite and smectite assemlblage . the content of illite is very high and its crystallinity index is high too , which indicate the cool and arid climate condition in the time of sediment conformation
    粘土矿物组合为伊利石、绿泥石、高岭石和蒙皂石,伊利石含量占绝对优势,其结晶度指数( hw )较高,反映东海南部外陆架粘土形成于寒冷干燥的气候环境。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 百科解释
Illite is a non-expanding, clay-sized, micaceous mineral. Illite is a phyllosilicate or layered alumino-silicate.
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