The ikey is an usb - based secure token designed for cost - effective and easy - to - use control and protection for your privatepublic key - pairs and digital certificates Ikey是用usb标准的储存媒介,设计简单易用,能保密存放电子核证证书、私人密码匙及公开密码匙。
The ikey is an usb - based secure token designed for cost - effective and easy - to - use control and protection for your privatepublic key - pairs and digital certificates . the list price of ikey 2032 is hk $ 268 Ikey是用usb标准的储存媒介,设计简单易用,能保密存放电子核证证书、私人密码匙及公开密码匙。
Users take up classification and role management so that different users have different operational jurisdiction . users log on the system by safe storage medium contained users information ( such as ic card , ikey card ) , and system will provide different security management functions according to different users 用户采用分级、分角色管理,不同身份等级的用户拥有不同的操作权限,用户使用保存有用户信息的安全存储介质(如ic 、 ikey卡等)进行登录,系统根据用户角色提供不同的安全管理功能。
iKey, LTD, also known as iKey Industrial Peripherals, is an Austin, Texas-based manufacturer of rugged computer keyboards, mice and other peripherals. The company was founded in 1989 and currently works with several Fortune 500 companies.