In the classical literature of hatha yoga , kundalini is described as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine 在瑜珈气功古典文学里,昆达里尼被描绘成在脊骨底部盘绕的大蛇。
Students will learn the postures , breathing exercises and meditation techniques taught using an eclectic blend of hatha yoga traditions 学员将学习传统哈达瑜伽的式子、呼吸法和冥想。
Q : in that article it was funny because they said kundalini yoga was the easiest yoga and that hatha yoga was the most difficult 问:那篇文章很有趣,文中提到昆答里尼瑜珈最简单修,哈达瑜珈则最难。
Kundalini is most often awaken through yoga meditation - which include mantra yoga , hatha yoga , laya yoga or kriya yoga 多数通过瑜珈冥想唤醒昆达里尼-冥想包括音流瑜伽、哈塔瑜伽、情者瑜伽和克里亚瑜珈。
With hatha yoga you may even control your mind . but the mind thus governed is heavily conditioned for the spiritual flight into the divine 运动瑜伽亦可控制你的思维,但思维受控过甚,便不能作灵性上的升进。
Hatha yoga if you are interested in yoga then this is a good place to start . improvements in range of movement is the main objective 哈达瑜珈柔和的音乐、意念的配合,缓慢的舒展动作,使您一天的疲劳荡然无存。
But the way people do this hatha yoga these days is like taking the whole medicine box at the same time . by that , they thin down 但人们练习瑜伽就好像一口气将整盒药丸都吞下肚,这样反而令他们更坏,问题没有得到改正。
To introduce hatha yoga in the present time , the reference gives to great sage savatamarama 1300 a . d . , the disciple of lord shiva 让哈他瑜伽在当代社会重新复苏的伟大的哲人是“ savatamarama ” 。他大约生活在14世纪,是湿婆神的门徒。
All knowledge of the medical properties of herbs and the art of meditative exercises , including tai chi chuan or hatha yoga , originated from a higher level of consciousness 有药草医学知识各种打坐的动作包括太极拳哈达瑜珈都源自某种高等境界。
There are many different forms of yoga . the most widely practiced form of yoga in the western world is hatha yoga , which uses specific postures and breathing exercises 瑜伽有多种不同的种类。在西方,通过特殊体态和呼吸来练习的“日月”瑜伽是被最广泛接受的一种。
yogic exercises (popular in the West) that combine difficult postures (which force the mind to withdraw from the outside world) with controlled breathing
Hatha yoga ( , ), also called hatha vidya (????????), is a system of yoga described by Yogi Swatmarama, a Hindu sage of 15th century India, and compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.