
good offices中文是什么意思

  • 斡旋



  • 例句与用法
  • Twelve years before , ferapontov had profited by alpatitchs good offices to buy timber from the old prince , and had begun going into trade ; and by now he had a house , an inn and a corn - dealers shop in the town
  • That prince andrey should know that she was in the power of the french ! that she , the daughter of prince nikolay andreitch bolkonsky , should stoop to ask general rameau to grant her his protection , and should take advantage of his good offices . the idea appalled her , made her shudder and turn crimson
    “要让安德烈公爵知道我落在法国人手里,那还了得,要让尼古拉安德烈伊奇博尔孔斯基公爵的女儿去求拉莫将军先生给予她保护,并且接受他的恩惠,那怎么行! ”
  • Both directly and through the good offices of its subsidiaries and manufacturing plants in france 、 china 、 malaysia and brazil , sidep group develops and manufactures an extensive range of anti - theft systems and eas products that have been welcomed by the largest retailers , stores and boutiques in over 50 countries
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • good officesとは意味:good offices 口入れ くちいれ 伝 つて 計らい はからい 周旋 しゅうせん 力 ちから
  • 推荐英语阅读
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