acquaintance n. 1.相识,相熟;熟人。 2.知识,心得。 a nodding acquaintance 点头之交。 a speaking acquaintance 搭话朋友,初交。 He is not a friend, only an acquaintance. 他不是朋友,只是相识。 have a large circle of acquaintances 交游甚广。 He has a slight acquaintance with astronomy. 他懂一点儿天文学。 cut [drop] sb.'s acquaintance 和某人绝交。 have [no] acquaintance with 和…[不]认识。 make acquaintance with [of] 接近,结识。 pick acquaintance with 结识,和…相识。 scrape acquaintance with 设法结识。 n. -ship 相识,相熟;认识。
friend n. 1.友人,朋友 (opp. foe, enemy)。 2.〔称呼语〕朋友〔常作 My friend〕;〔英国〕下议院议员间的称呼〔常作 My honourable friend〕;〔英国〕法院律师间的称呼〔常作 My learned friend〕。 3.自己人;支持者,赞助者,同情者;助手,随从;〔pl.〕 〔苏格兰语〕 近亲,家属。 4.【宗教】公谊会(the Society of friends)教友。 5.有帮助的事物[本质]。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 〔谚语〕患难朋友才是真朋友。 Old friends and old wine are best. 〔谚语〕陈酒味醇,老友情深。 The best of friends must part. 〔谚语〕天下无不散的筵席。 a boy [girl] friend男[女]朋友。 bosom [close, great, good, sworn] friends 好朋友,心腹朋友。 My shyness here is my best friend. 我的腼腆在这里对我很有好处。 a friend at [in] court 有势力的朋友,好门路。 be [make] friends with 跟…要好,跟…做朋友。 keep friends with 跟…保持友好。 make friend again 言归于好,重修旧好。 make friends of 和…为友,引…为同党。 part friends 不伤感情地分手(Let us part friends. 让我们好聚好散)。 vt. 〔诗〕与…为友 (= befriend)。
Someone once said that if you were to make a list of your 10 closest friends and acquaintances and order your earnings and theirs from smallest to greatest , you ' d probably find yourself somewhere near the middle 有人曾经说过,如果让你列出10个最亲密的朋友和熟人,然后把你和他们的收入从少到多进行排序,那么你可能会发现自己处在中间位置。
Minneapolis , minnesota the beautiful and cultural - though sometimes boring , and ghastly cold - city that i consider to be my home . cool people s pages friends and acquaintances from around the web . the basics general information about me and this site 我的兴趣很多,包括性别学,科幻小说,角色扮演游戏,科学,另类音乐,中文及其他亚洲语言,哲学,道德,绘画,电脑,化妆技巧,漫画,等等。
The third sub - band is occupied by exteriorized entities who have permanently left their physical existence but do not realize it , and are trying to continue a habitual physical existence , often remaining around familiar occupied bodies ( still embodied friends and acquaintances ) while acting out emotionally - based drives and fears 第三个副环带由永远离开了他们的世间存在的形象化的实体所占据,但他们并未认识到这一点,在试图继续一种习惯性的世间存在,常常停留在熟悉的人的四周(依然处于肉身中的朋友和熟人) ,并基于情感和恐惧而行动。
All those who are interested in the spread of human culture among the lower animals and their name is legion should make a point of not missing the really marvellous exhibition of cynanthropy given by the famous old irish red wolfdog setter formerly known by the sobriquet of garryowen and recently rechristened by his large circle of friends and acquaintances owen garry 凡是关心对下等动物它们数目众多241传播人类文化者,切不可漏掉这条著名的爱尔兰老塞特种红毛狼狗。先前它曾以“加里欧文”这一外号闻名,新近在它那范围很广的熟人朋友的圈子内,又被改名为欧文加里242了。
A - large and appreciative gathering of friends and acquaintances from the metropolis and greater dublin assembled in their thousands to bid farewell to nagyasgos uram lipti virag , late of messrs alexander thom s , printers to his majesty , on the occasion of his departure for the distant clime of szzharminczbrojgulys - duguls meadow of murmuring waters 他要前往远方的地区撒兹哈明兹布洛尤古里亚斯-都古拉斯620潺潺流水的牧场。在大声喝采621声中举行的仪式以洋溢着无比温暖的友爱之情为特征。