
firing accuracy中文是什么意思

  • 发射精度
  • 射击精度



  • 例句与用法
  • The forth , from the result of regression analysis , the firing accuracy of projectile effected by random factors is studied , and the suggestion that the test of projectile ' s firing accuracy can be replaced by measuring some parameters is put forward
  • Vibration of tank gun in the process of firing is one of the main factors that affect its firing accuracy , especially the instantaneous angular motion and the instantaneous linear velocity at the point of gun muzzle when the projectile leaves the barrel bore
  • This dissertation focuses on firing accuracy of projectile effected by random factors . the main contents are included as follow : the first , a model of launching dynamics of projectile is set up , and the numerical calculation software is programmed
  • It is hoping us can grasp each kind of influence reason that affect cannon firing accuracy how size influence and how essential probability in actual firing . it is hoping be help to effectively improve cannon firing accuracy and first - round - hit probability
  • With the improvement of firing rate and firing accuracy of the medium caliber naval gun system , and the development of ammunition technology , especially the application of high - tech fuse , this provide an effective approach to enhance anti - missile efficiency of the medium caliber naval gun system
  • Having combined external ballistics with gunnery and proceeded from the practical needs of the field artillery , the influence to the firing accuracy by artillery metro report and the improved measures have been studied and analyzed in this essay , thus having obtained a series of valuable and pragmatic conclusions which mean a lot in practical application
  • This thesis present the systematic studies on firing accuracy and firing accuracy tactical & technical requirement reasoning for gunnery system . the main contents of the paper are as follows . ( 1 ) definitions and probability distribution expressions for error of fire , error of firing data and error of dispersion are given summarily . methods to compose error of initial firing data and error of dispersion are discussed
    本文对远程炮武器系统射击精度及射击精度战术技术指标论证等方面问题进行了深入、系统的分析研究,本文研究工作的主要内容有: ( 1 )概要地讨论了射击误差、诸元误差、散布误差的定义及其概率分布,诸元误差、散布误差及射击误差的合成,分析了射击精度的各种表示法,阐述了火炮武器系统准确度、密集度和首发命中概率的估算方法。
  • Aimed at tube curve by sun shining , it analyzes and calculates the instance of curve when tube up and down face have difference in temperature , and discourses upon it influenced degree to cannon firing accuracy . for hot spread asymmetry caused tube curve , it explains it ' s form cause . for irregularly hot stress acting tube curve , it stressfully analyzes effect of body tube wall thickness difference
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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