
field capacity中文是什么意思

  • 土壤容水量。



  • 例句与用法
  • The field capacity and porosity increase gradually and bulk density decrease gradually . the significance linear regression between the field capacity and soil organic matter is discovered as well as porosity and bulk density
    此外,随植被演替, 0 5cm土层田间持水量和孔隙度逐渐增加, 0 5cm土层容重逐渐降低,且均与有机质含量呈显著线性正相关。
  • According to physiognomy , the bulk density changed as the following order : upland > hills > hillslopes > gully slopes , the saturated soil moisture arranged as : hillslopes > hills > gully slopes > upland , while field capacity and wilting moisture are as follows : gully slopes > hills > hillslopes > upland
  • The objectives of this study are : ( 1 ) collect the basis data about soil physical properties , soil moisture , infiltration and evapotranspiration in the catchment scale for developing a catchment hydrological model , based on the dtm , ( 2 ) provide the hydrological information in the catchment scale for developing agricultural production , vegetation rehabilitation , and reasonable land using in this region . the main conclusions drawn from this study are : ( 1 ) the soil physical properties , including bulk density , saturated soil moisture , field capacity , and wilting moisture , were measured at 56 plots across the catchment
    为此,本文以黄土高原沟壑区典型小流域?王东沟为研究对象,通过大量的野外测定和室内分析,系统研究了流域土壤容重、土壤饱和含水量、田间持水量、萎蔫湿度、土壤入渗性能、土壤含水量和蒸散量的空间变异性,以期为该区农业生产、植被恢复和土地合理利用等提供科学的依据,同时为建立基于数字高程模型( dtm )为基础的流域水文模型积累基础资料。
  • The soil physical properties have obvious vertical distribution characteristic in the slope . the bulk density in sunlit slope is greater than it in sunless slope , and change in the follow order in the slope : top < middle < lower . while saturated soil moisture , field capacity , and wilting moisture are on the contrary
  • It was found that the soil physical properties had significant spatial variability in the catchment scale because of the joint - influences of land use , topography , physiognomy , and other factors . the spatial variation is small for field capacity , moderate for wilting moisture and bulk density , and great for saturated soil moisture
  • The physical and chemical properties of the soil were analyzed , including nutrient change and routine index of acidity and alkalinity , in addition , compared them with natural soil and studied their variation and correlation . the results as follows : the soil bulk density of harbin urban vegetation is higher , total porosity and field capacity are small
  • Moreover , according to different land use types , bulk density shows the lowest value for the woodland while the highest value for the grassland and the subsoil of farmland , saturated soil moisture and field capacity exhibit the highest values for woodland while the lowest for the grassland and the subsoil of farmland , and the wilting moisture in woodland is also the highest and that in the farmland is the lowest
  • The lower limits of soil moisture for rational deficit irrigation scheduling to cotton at its different growth stages are 55 60 , 65 , 70 and 50 55 of field capacity at seedling , buds , bolls and wadding stages , respectively
    合理的棉花调亏灌溉制度是苗期控制水分供应,土壤含水量维持在田间持水量的55 60 ;蕾期和花铃期是棉花的需水关键期,土壤含水量应分别保持在田间持水量的65和70左右;吐絮期应控制水分供应,土壤含水量维持在田间持水量的50 55 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • the maximum amount of water that a particular soil can hold

  • 百科解释
Field capacity is the amount of soil moisture or water content held in soil after excess water has drained away and the rate of downward movement has materially decreased, which usually takes place within 2?3 days after a rain or irrigation in pervious soils of uniform structure and texture. The physical definition of field capacity (expressed symbolically as θfc) is the bulk water content retained in soil at ?33 J/kg (or ?0.
  • 其他语种释义
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