The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs . 热带大草原的啮草黑犀牛有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可以用于吸食灌木的嫩枝叶。
While i am carefully heaping up a stock of grain for winter, i see you feeding on filth about the walls . 我小心地储粮过冬时,却看见你在墙脚边吮食污垢。
They moved seasonally among various vegetation types to feed on plants that were flourishing . 它们还随着季节的变化而在各种类型植物之间迁移,以便吃那些茂盛的植物。
The flame was feeding on an explosive mixture of intimacy and unfulfillment . 他们之间虽然已经十分亲昵,然而终究尚未如愿以偿,这两种心情混合在一起,到了一触即发的地步。
One can estimate the length of the stylet sheaths of several cicadellid species feeding on sorghum and clover . 人们能够估计那些以高梁和三叶草为食的几种叶蝉类螯针鞘的长度。
Sometimes, it seemed to mrs. crich as if her husband were some subtle funeral bird, feeding on the miseries of the people . 有时克里奇夫人觉得她的丈夫似乎是某种狡猾的食尸鸟,靠食用人们的不幸活着。
The generalist insects tend to feed on a range of different plants, some of which will be either group-apparent or ephemeral . 不专化的昆虫表现能在一系列不同的植物上取食,可能是常住的也可能是短暂的。
Many sharks feed on fish and other sea animals 很多鲨鱼以鱼和其他海洋动物为食。
The field was full of sheep feeding on the new grass 田里到处都是绵羊在吃嫩草。
Would you feed on everyone in your path 你会随便挑选路过的人当你的牺牲者吗?
be sustained by; "He fed on the great ideas of her mentor" 同义词:feed upon,
feed onとは意味:~を餌にする、~に満足{まんぞく}する、(視線{しせん}などが)~に注がれる These sheep feed on the grass around here. これらのヒツジはこのあたりの草をえさにしている。 Adult ticks feed on deer. 成虫のダニは鹿を食べて[に寄生して]生き残る