Electrocardiograph changes of college basketball athletes during progressively increasing load exercise 大学生篮球运动员负荷递增时的心电图变化
Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements for safety - specification for electrocardiographs 医疗电气设备.安全的特殊要求.心电图仪
Medical electrical equipment . part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of electrocardiographs 医疗用电气设备.第2部分:心电图仪安全性的特殊要求
Medical electrical equipment ; part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of electrocardiographs 医疗电气设备.第2 - 25部分:心电图仪安全性的特殊要求
As the developing of embedded internet technology , it is necessary for electrocardiograph connecting to internet 嵌入式internet技术的兴起使得心电图机的接入上网成为一种必要。
Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 25 : particular requirements for the safety of electrocardiographs ; amendment 1 医疗电气设备.第2 - 25部分:心电图扫描仪安全性的特殊要求.修改件1
Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 51 : particular requirements for safety , including essential performance , of recording and analysing single channel and multichannel electrocardiographs 医用电气设备.第2 - 51部分:单道和多道心电描记器记录和分析的安全
Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 51 : particular requirements for the safety , including essential performance , of recording and analysing single channel and multichannel electrocardiographs 医用电气设备.第2 - 51部分:单道和多道心电描记器记录和分析的安全性的特殊要求
Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements for safety - particular requirements for safety , including essential performance , of recording and analysing single channel and multichannel electrocardiographs 医疗电气设备.记录和分析单道和多道心电描记器的安全性特殊要求
In this thesis , based on the analysis of other electrocardiograph and the character of digital signal processor ( dsp ) , a method about the modular design of 12 channels electrocardiograph is described 本文在分析国内外心电图机和dsp特点的基础上,提出了模块化设计12导心电图机的方法。