electric adj. 1.电的;带电的;起电的,导电的,发电的,电动的。 2.令人激动的,紧张的,惊人的。 3.〔美口〕(乐曲的)用电吉他演奏的。 electric eloqu-ence 惊人的口才。 electric performance 惊人的表演。 an electric atmosphere 紧张的气氛。 n. 〔口语〕 1.带电物体。 2.电动车辆。
Be familiar with electric engineering design , detail design , psb requirement , lv / mv switchgear , and protection relay 熟悉电力设计、二次图设计、开关柜设计、继电器保护设计。
Dk electric engineering co . , ltd is a company dealing with remote control curtain , motorized windows treatment and solar water heater controller 公司设计开发,监制生产的各类产品,严格按照iso 9001 : 2000的标准执行。
It is being focused on by hydro - electric engineers because accident always happened in the period of hydro - mechanical transient despite of its short period 运行实践表明,虽然过渡过程历时较短,但是电站的事故往往发生于水力?机械过渡过程中。
Our electric engineers with international expertise are reachable to every individual client with respect to their ideas and are ready to provide free professional technical consulting andrating and rational design services 我们具有国际水准的电气工程师聆听每位客户的想法,免费为您提供专业技术咨询及合理的设计服务。
Wuhan university and the former hubei medical university , wuhan technological university of survey and mapping , and wuhan university of hydraulic and electric engineering , are located in the wuchang district of wuhan , hubei , china , by the beautiful east lake 武汉大学及2000年7月合并并入武大的湖北医科大学,武汉测绘科技大学和武汉水利电力大学位于中国湖北省武汉市美丽的东湖边
The university trains specialists in 66 areas , namely : machine - building , automatics , electric engineering , electronics , chemical engineering , control systems , high physical and microprocessor technologies , psychology , economy of enterprises , business and others 主要培养以下66个领域的专业人才,它们是:机器制造,自动化,电气工程,电子学,化学工程,控制系统,高新物理和微处理器技术,心理学,经济学和企业管理,商业管理及其它。
Mingqi jiang , was born in hubei china . in 1955 , he is currently a vice professor in the school of mathematics and statistics , wuhan university , china . received the m . s . degree from the school of electric engineering , wuhan uiversity , china . in 1987 . his current research interests include optimal theory and algorithm 姜明启, 1955年生,武汉大学数学与统计学院副教授. 1987年3月获该校电力系统及其自动化专业硕士学位.现研究方向为最优化理论与算法
It is a special unit to produce electric materials , apparatus and accessories of wires and cables . all of our products up to standard have been examined by the quality examining and testing centre for electric engineering material accessories of the state ministry of power industry 1985年, 1994年改制为股份合作制, 2001年改制为有限责任公司,是专业生产电力金具电工器材电线电缆附件的单位,产品经电力工业部电力工程材料部件质量检验测试中心检测为合格。
Shanghai xianrong machine - electric engineering co . , ltd . is a national famous motor equipment and project installation company in automobile industry ? which was founded in shanghai as a professional corporation by chongqing southwest equipment installation company , specialized in equipment manufacture , installation and foreign facility selling agency of automobile project in order to adapt to the rapid development of our business , and reinforce the cooperation with auto factory of east china and foreign auto project & equipment manufactory 上海显荣机电工程有限公司是国内汽车行业著名的汽车设备及工程安装公司? ?重庆西南设备安装公司为了适应公司业务的高速发展,加强和华东地区汽车工厂及国外汽车工程、设备生产公司合作,在上海成立的汽车工程设备制造、安装,国外设备代理销售的专业公司。
" field observation of high rock - fill dams and feedback data analysis " and " dynamic analysis of high earth and rock - fill dams and aseismatic measures " , the concepts and methods obtained in the above two consulting items were creative and evaluated by the ministry of electric power as being of international level . the research findings were adopted in such large - scale projects as the tianshengqiao water contral project , ming tombs water control project . dahe water contral project , ming tombs water control project , dahe water control project and lianhua water control project and awarded the second prize of scientific and technical advancement of the ministry of electric power . ( 2 ) the research on the stress - strain correlation of dam construction materials was awarded the second prize of scientific and technical advancement of the ministry of electric power . ( 3 ) the result of the field observation test and computational analysis for the tailing dam improvement project of xuzhou power plant was adopted by the east - china design institute of electric engineering with considerable economic benefit . ( 4 ) the result of the geotechnical test and data analysis of wenfu mine project was applied in the project with considerable economic benefit . ( 5 ) the field observation and data analysis of the kezier reservoir project provided a solid base for ensuring the normal operation and management of the reservoir “高堆石坝原位观测和反溃分析研究”及“高土石坝动力分析及抗震工程措施研究”咨询项目提出了具有开拓性的观点与方法,经电力工业部鉴定评为国际先进水平,该两项成果已应用于天生桥、十三陵、大河、莲花等大型工程获电力工业部科技进步二等奖; “坝料土动力应力应变关系的研究”咨询项目获电力工业部科技进步二等奖, “徐州发电厂灰坝加固工程勘测试验与计算分析”咨询成果已被华东电力设计院设计采纳,工程效益显著; “瓮福磷石膏渣场工程土工试验与数值分析”咨询成果已应用于国家重点工程瓮福矿肥基地建设,效益显著; “克孜尔水库工程原型观测数据库与资料分析”咨询项目为水库运行与管理提供了有力保证。