capacity n. 1.包容力,吸收力,收容力。 2.容积,容量;【电学】电容,负载量。 3.能力,才干,本领;性能,机能。 4.地位,资格,身分。 5.【法律】法定资格,权力,权能。 6.生产额;(最大)产量[生产力]。 measures of capacity容积,容量。 a mind of great capacity度量大的人。 the crop capacity作物(最大)生产力〔单位面积产量〕。 capacity crowd 〔美国〕满座的观众。 be filled to capacity客满。 capacity for heat 热容量。 capacity to action 【法律】诉讼能力。 be in capacity法 律上有资格。 capacity tonnage 载重量,吨位。 capacity house 〔美国〕客满的戏院。 in a civil capacity以市民身分。 in my individual capacity以我个人身分。 in one's capacity as (a critic) 以(批评家)的立场[身分]。 to the utmost of one's capacity尽自己所能。
electric adj. 1.电的;带电的;起电的,导电的,发电的,电动的。 2.令人激动的,紧张的,惊人的。 3.〔美口〕(乐曲的)用电吉他演奏的。 electric eloqu-ence 惊人的口才。 electric performance 惊人的表演。 an electric atmosphere 紧张的气氛。 n. 〔口语〕 1.带电物体。 2.电动车辆。
Import the big power to output the tube 4 only big electrolysis electric capacity 进口大功率输出管4只特大电解电容
8 import the big power to output the tube 6 big electroly sis electric capacity 8个进口大功率输出管6只特大电解电容
Importing the big power outputs the tube 4 with big electrolysis electric capacity 进口大功率输出管4只特大电解电容
12 import the big power outputs the tube 8 with big electrolysis electric capacity 12个进口大功率输出管8只特大电解电容
4 only import the exportation tube of the big east 6 big electrolysis electric capacity 4只进口大东之输出管6只特大电解电容
If we compensate the pump station with lower power numbers for electric power and electric capacity , we can reduce the current load in the power source and the lines 对已建成的功率因数偏低的泵站采用电力电容补偿,可减少电源和线路的电流负荷。
Point the resistance to present to electric current . the resistance includes the pure electric resistance with give or get an electric shock to feel , what electric capacity produce feel the anti - with permit the anti - 指对电流所呈现的阻力。阻抗包括纯电阻和电感电容产生的感抗和容抗。
Abstract : drawing up standard line diagram and measuring network diagram , accurately grasping analysis on the balance of line number , knowing the state of power supply and line so as to improve the recovery of electric capacity 文摘:绘制线路标准图及计费网络图,准确掌握线号平衡分析,正确了解供电状况,线路状况,以提高交电费回收率。
When examination , the power supply basic performance carries on the test in the power source output line plug place , the output ripple and the noise test must in the test point parallel 47u / 16v tantalum electric capacity and 0 . 1 u f high frequency electric capacity 检验时,电源基本性能均在电源输出线插头处进行测试,输出纹波及噪声测试需在测试点并联47 / 16v钽电容及0 . 1 f高频电容。
The state ’ s total installed electric capacity reaches 385 gw , electricity generation is 1908 billion kwh and electricity consumption grows to 1891 billion kwh in 2003 . however , it faces a severe situation that electric power is in short supply as a whole 2003年全国的发电装机容量达到3 . 85亿千瓦,全国发电量达到19080亿千瓦时,用电量达到18910亿千瓦时,电力供需形势总体紧张,缺电较为严峻。