

  • vt.



  • 例句与用法
  • In this thesis , the author designs and effectuates mac protocol software , which works in the rnc of the 3rd generation mobile communication
    本文设计并实现了第三代移动通信( wcdma )系统的无线网络控制器设备中的媒体接入控制协议( mac )软件。
  • The system can replace the traditional water supply mode performed by a perch water tower and water pump , which effectuates the direct water pressure
  • When and if we decide to resume our plans with respect to our money transfer business , we expect to incur a minimum of $ 250 , 000 in expenses in order to effectuate such plans
    如果当我们决定恢复转帐业务的计划时,我们希望获得250 , 000美元的费用以开展计划。
  • We believe that such funds , together with our revenues , will be sufficient to pay our operating expenses and effectuate our plans with respect to qianbao ' s business operations over the next twelve months
  • On this basis , the paper is divided into five chapters to analyze what is the issue of being advanced for a party and why a party in power should keep and effectuate its advancedness and how a party achieves its goal of being advanced when it holds power
  • The efforts of developing catalytic biofunctional membranes cantaining site - specifically immobilized enzyme was summarized involving biophysical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry and chemical engineering , together with molecular biology - several kinds of novel immobilized technology were employed to effectuate the site - specific enzyme membrane immobilization
  • Senyun corporation is specialized in the designing and manufacturing of precision molds and the injection molding of plastic products . we produce the parts and molds for customers and also for our own usage . such as ejector pins , core , cavities , and mold plates . today , we effectuate a mold and injection molding with efficient method in our company
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • produce; "The scientists set up a shock wave"
    同义词:effect, set up,

  • 其他语种释义
  • effectuateとは意味:{他動} : 達成する -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】ife'kt∫ue`it、【分節】ef?fec?tu?ate
  • 推荐英语阅读
effectuate的中文翻译,effectuate是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译effectuate,effectuate的中文意思,effectuate的中文effectuate in Chineseeffectuate的中文effectuate怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
