

  • adj.



  • 例句与用法
  • 2 ) it overcomes the shortcomings of the method with configuration and the limitation of ecumenical way to realize scada
    2 )克服了结构化开发方法实现系统软件存在的问题和用面向对象的一般方法实现scada时存在的缺陷。
  • In recent years , many researchers had put forward some segment technology combined with some given theory , method and instruments on the base of ecumenical segment method
  • Ecumenical ethics and national ethics are interdependent , their realizations is their mutually moving , namely is nationalization of ecumenical ethics and ecumenicalization of national ethics
  • I often remember a sermon given by an anglican priest in australia at a rotary ecumenical service last march when i was representing the president at a district conference
  • Students at the university of geneva , benefiting from our close ties to the graduate institute of international studies , the graduate institute of development studies , and the ecumenical institute at bossey , may attend courses at these institutes
  • Television all city construction is totally fake king of the building structures , in order to keep the body models and the integration of environmental background , king ecumenical people do , i find a way to a seemingly classical female models
  • Otherwise , the rocpa is not like the ecumenical enterprises " websites , and it has special demands for the configuration of security . from all the above , we can conclude that it is very important to reach the security mechanism of the platform thoroughly
  • Whereas , donations totaling 100 , 000 were made to charities including missouri governor greg johnson , the ecumenical ministries of iowa and the salvation army of illinois ; and whereas , master ching hai is currently working on a project to relocate vietnamese refugees who are in hong kong ; and
    为数十万美元的捐款赠予密苏里州长强生greg johnson ,爱荷华教会ecumenicol ministries of iowa ,以及伊利诺州的救世军组织salvation army of illinois
  • The remote - sensing images are different from ecumenical images , so according to these feathers we generalize the concept of remote - sensing image mining and put forward the general process and the hierarchy frame . ( 2 ) the paper proposes a semi - supervised improved fuzzy c - means clustering to remote - sensing image
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 英文解释
  • of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of cosmopolitan import"; "the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley; "universal experience"
    同义词:cosmopolitan, oecumenical, general, universal, worldwide, world-wide,

  • concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions; "ecumenical thinking"; "ecumenical activities"; "the ecumenical movement"
    同义词:ecumenic, oecumenic, oecumenical,

  • 其他语种释义
  • ecumenicalとは意味:{形-1} : 全世界的{ぜん せかい てき}な、普遍的{ふへん てき}な -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : 世界{せかい}のキリスト教会{きょうかい}の -------------------------------------------------...
  • 推荐英语阅读
ecumenical的中文翻译,ecumenical是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译ecumenical,ecumenical的中文意思,ecumenical的中文ecumenical in Chineseecumenical的中文ecumenical怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
