The part five suggested the policies and the managements to realize ecotype urbanization 第五部分,实现库区生态型城市化的政策建议和动态管理。
Showed diversity is little of aforesaid several microsatellite loci . there have not differentiated ecotype still now 说明四个品种间在以上几个微卫星座位上的差异较小,尚未分化出不同的生态型。
The term is sometimes used instead of ecotype , for groups of individuals that have uniform ecological preferences or physiological requirements 这一术语可被生态型代替,表示一组具有一致生态和生理需要的个体。
Dasheng plans to invest in potential new domain such as energy industry , water supplying industry , transportation industry and ecotype travel industry 公司将适时进入新型能源供排水交通和生态旅游资源产业的开发
Using semithin sections techniques the histological development of the autograft arabidopsis thaliana ( columbia24 ecotype ) were examined 采用半薄切片技术,对c24拟南芥自体嫁接组合嫁接体的发育过程进行了组织学观察。
By using the principle of analytic hierarchy process , one affirmation method to decide the target weight in assessing green ecotype residential quarters is promoted 利用层次分析法的原理,提出了一种确定绿色生态住宅小区各指标权重的方法。
Ecotype iii consisted of hubei - songzi and hubei - jingmen . ecotype iv included 4 populations which were hubei - fangxian , sichuan - panzhihua , sichuan - renshou and yunnan - yuxi 正因为存在那些能够遗传的变异,所以我们能够对盾叶薯蓣进行分类工作。
In recent years , there has been a trend that people in big city attach more importance to the ecotype and environmentablity of their housing 近年来,很多城市尤其是大城市,生态型、环保型住宅项目占据着越来越重要的地位,并已日益成为城市房地产项目开发的主流。
The social benefits influence of the principle upon the law , the social obligation of consumer in law and pursuit of social order of law should be theory foundation of ecotype consumption law 作为一种长期的客观存在,生态消费法律在国内外立法实践中都有所落实和休现。
In autograft of arabidopsis thaliana ( columbia24 ecotype ) grafted in the position of hypocotyls , wound xylem and sieve elements were differentiated in the tissues both of scion and stock 4 days after grafting C24拟南芥下胚轴自体嫁接后4d ,在接穗和砧木中就已有管状分子和筛分子的分化。