
design of building structures中文是什么意思

  • 建筑结构设计



  • 例句与用法
  • This paper analyzes the feasibility and theory evidence as additional load according to code for seismic design of buildings and load code for the design of building structures . the paper puts forward a kind of predigest account method aiming at these problems by the feasibility analyzes of the gabled frames as additional load and defining a magnified coefficient through analyzing the level earthquake force at the floor of this building according to the code for earthquake this force is in the total building and the gabled frames as additional load multiply a certain magnified coefficient
  • According to the code for aseismatic design of building structure ( gbj11 - 89 ) , the seismic base - shear method has always been used to calculate the seismic response of building structures . in those structures , their weights and rigidities equally distribute along their heights which do not exceed 40m , and their deformations are mostly the shearing type ( when the structures " ratio of height and width are smaller than 4 )
    我国《建筑抗震设计规范》 ( gbj11 ? 89 )中规定,对于重量和刚度沿高度分布比较均匀、高度不超过40m ,并以剪切变形为主(房屋高宽比小于4时)的结构,可采用近似计算法,即底部剪力法来计算其地震响应。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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