
corporate action中文是什么意思

  • 法人行为
  • 协同行动



  • 例句与用法
  • If necessary , the message from the boom - mail system will ask for a response from you concerning the corporate action
    若有需要, boom电邮所发出的讯息会要求阁下对股东权责作出回应。
  • Crisis management is a form of issues management in which crisis managers attempt to control the terms used to describe corporate actions
  • Those conditions include the stock related is suspended for trading , or the stock price is adjusted significantly due to corporate actions
    这些情况包括( 1 )该证券被暂停交易;或( 2 )该证券价格因公司行动而出现大幅调整。
  • Your pending order will be either cancelled or adjusted , dependent upon the nature of the corporate action and the exchange activity
  • When the stock price of your parent order is adjusted significantly due to corporate actions , your " parent order " will then be cancelled by our system
  • Your two - way sell order will be cancelled when the stock is suspended for trading , or the stock price is adjusted significantly due to corporate actions
    您的双向沽盘将会在以下情况被取消: ( 1 )该证券被暂停交易;或( 2 )该证券价格因公司行动而出现大幅调整。
  • However , an action by the exchange may cause your pending order to be either cancelled or adjusted if any of the corporate actions identified in the table below occur
  • Your sell stop - limit order will be cancelled when the stock is suspended for trading , or the stock price is adjusted significantly due to corporate actions
    您的限价止蚀沽盘将会在以下情况被取消: ( 1 )该证券被暂停交易;或( 2 )该证券价格因公司行动而出现大幅调整。
  • They gather data from virtually every corner of the globe : exchange data , corporate actions , fundamental and reference data , news , foreign exchange . . . the list goes on and on
    他们从世界的各个角落搜集数据:交易数据,企业行为,基本面和参考数据,新闻,外汇交易数据。 。 。 。
  • Today , corporate culture and the construct and innovation of corporate culture have permeate into every field of corporate organize and corporate action and corporate product
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 百科解释
A corporate action is an event initiated by a public company that affects the securities (equity or debt) issued by the company. Some corporate actions such as a dividend (for equity securities) or coupon payment (for debt securities (bonds)) may have a direct financial impact on the shareholders or bondholders; another example is a call (early redemption) of a debt security.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
corporate action的中文翻译,corporate action是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译corporate action,corporate action的中文意思,corporate action的中文corporate action in Chinesecorporate action的中文corporate action怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
