concern vt. 1.关系到;影响,涉及(某人的)利害。 2.〔用被动语态〕干与,干涉,参加,从事 (in)。 3.使关心 (with),担心,挂念,忧虑 (for, about, over) 〔参看 concerned〕。 It doesn't concern me. = I am not concerned with it. 那件事和我没关系[我不知情]。 I am concerned to tell you of it. 我打算把那件事告诉你。 I am much concerned to hear that ... 我听见…后十分着急。 be concerned about 关心;挂念,顾虑。 Don't concern yourself about his opinion. 不要管他的意见。 be concerned in 和…有关系,牵涉到。 be concerned with 干与,参与;关怀。 concern oneself about 关心,挂念。 concern oneself with [in] 从事,参与,干与,干涉。 My honour is concerned. 有关我的名誉。 as concerns 关于。 so far as I am concerned 就我个人来说。 n. 1.关系;利害关系。 2.关心,挂念,担心。 3.商行,公司;财团;康采恩;事业,业务;〔pl.〕事件,事情。 4.〔口语〕(泛指)事物,家伙〔指有缺点的人〕。 It is no concern of mine. 与我无关。 a flourishing concern兴盛的事业[商号]。 a going concern开着的商店。 a rickety old concern年久失修的老建筑。 a petty concern细事。 a selfish concern自私的家伙。 everyday concerns 日常事务。 worldly concerns 世事。 I can manage my own concerns. 自己的事总可以解决。 feel concern about 担心,挂念。 have a concern in 和…有利害关系。 have no concern for 毫不关心;完全不怕。 have no concern with 和…毫无关系。 matter of the utmost concern(关系)重大的事件。 of concern 关系重大的;有关系的。 with concern 忧虑着,惦记着。 He inquired with (grow) concern. 他殷切询问。 without concern不关心;不怕。
The first half of the film depicts li s contribution to contemporary chinese culture , and highlights his charity performances to help the poor and the needy . the latter part emphasizes his contemplation and spreading of buddhist doctrines . he has concerns for people and also actively participates in fighting against the japanese invaders 影片的前半部充份展现了李叔同为中国近代文化所作的贡献,用不少篇幅刻画他演戏赈灾、致力教育和培养人才;后半部除著力描写弘一法师闭关静修和弘扬佛法外,亦充份表现了他关注民生、积极投入抗日救亡的一面。