By value . this process allocates a space in computer memory and copies the value of the original into it 此过程在计算机内存中分配一个空间,然后将原始项的值复制到该处。
With the dispersed technique , it needs less computer memory and accelerates the calculation speed 通过稀疏技术的应用,即可以减少对计算机内存的需要又可以提高计算的速度。
The text is encrypted for privacy when being used , and deleted from computer memory when no longer needed 文本在使用时出于保密目的被加密,并在不再需要时从计算机内存中删除。
The user needs to load or enter data and programs into the computer memory when using any application on the computer 当用户使用电脑里的应用程序时需要先程序和数据装载入电脑内存。
Data types apply to all values that can be stored in computer memory or participate in the evaluation of an expression 数据类型应用于可以存储在计算机内存中或参与表达式计算的所有值。
The cost of computer memory is cheap enough that audio and video tapes ( not to mention film ) are on the road to extinction 计算机存储的成本也便宜得让磁带和录像带(更别提电影胶片)开始逐渐消失。
A basic unit of storage in a computer memory that can hold one unit of information , such as a character or word 基本存储单元,单元计算机内存中能够储有一个单位的信息,比如一个字符或字的基本存储单元
In contrast , the computer memory is like a cell of pigeonholes , with no thinking capacity and no connections elsewhere 相比来说,电脑的记忆就像是文件夹中的一个盒子,没有思考的能力,也没有其他的联系。
It always uses four bytes in computer memory , but this does not include the storage for the data representing the value of the variable 它总是在计算机内存中使用四个字节,但这不包括表示变量值的数据的存储。
Symbol representing two to the tenth power , 1024 , usually used to describe amounts of computer memory , and disk storage , in bytes 2的10次幂的符号, 1024 ,通常用来描述计算机的存储能力和磁盘的存储能力,按字节计算。